Gianna Jessen...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...on Laura Ingam five minutes ago;

Laura "OK, so you suffer from cerebral palsy and..."

Gianna "Depends on how you look at it..."

Laura " were born alive at 7 1/2 months, weighed two pounds and yet you survived..."

Gianna "I don't die easy..."

Laura "So, you're catching some flack these days..."

Gianna "Yeah, I can not believe it! This is about being born alive, not abortion, but surviving abortion, and it's not about women's rights because if it is, what about mine?"

I ####ing had to pull over and sobbed for a couple minutes. This hit me like a ton of bricks. She is speaking to us from the freaking grave, the voice of some 40 million abortions, dead babies, since Roe v. Wade became a living, breathing bastardized law. How many children have been born alive and then killed? How many babies, totally capable of living outside the womb, are in that number? My God, she CELEBRATES her hardships as having given her so much in her life.

She is NOT disposed of.