Giants @ Tampa Bay

Nanny Pam

As I said, I don't have a whole lot of confidence in the Giants with their inconsistent history, but if they play as they did today (except for the 1st quarter), I agree with Dan Marino that they can beat the Cowboys in Dallas.

Now onto the Titans @ Chargers game... :yay:

Well....lets try this again. Go Chargers!


Well-Known Member
So who is everyone going to root for in the Giants @ Cowboys game?

This Old Guy always roots for whoever is playing Dallas. Although I dont think the Giants are that good of a team to take Dallas down.

Now that the Skins are gone, Im jumping on the Packer bandwagon, this Old Guy has to root for the old guy, Farve.

I want a Packer/Colt Super Bowl.
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I know nothing
So who is everyone going to root for in the Giants @ Cowboys game?

Im actually pulling for the giants.

But its going to be hard to judge, which team will show up.

Will Eli and the Giants keep it together???
Will Romo choke???
Will T.O come back and break his neck??? (hope so):whistle: