Gibbs Announcement

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Cletus_Vandam said:
Gibbs announces that he will not call offensive plays next year.

Good news or bad??? :confused:

...and here's why;

My major concern with bringing Saunders on board was simply too many chefs in the kitchen.

Gibbs has a certain way and mindset; he is a max protect guy and this obviously leads to coaching, picking personal and calling plays his way. He is also predictable which is fine when the thing is running on all cylinders, not so fine when things are not running well because the options are so few.

Saunders is a spread the field guy who, it is said, might not call the same play from the same formation for several weeks, very unpredictable, and he attacks with more people than Gibbs. Clearly contrasting and not compatible styles.

So, that contrast would, I feared, lend to a hodgepodge of play calling with the wrong people, formations and coaching. What's a QB, especially a young one like Campbell to do with the head coach telling him be safe, be smart, and the OC telling him to make a read and let it fly?

So, if Gibbs is going to step back from play calling, the most visible indicator of who's offense is being run, then maybe he also allows Saunders to use people and coach them the way he sees fit.

That's what he did with D coach Williams, allow him to run his shop.

What we may be seeing here is Gibbs taking a CEO role; get the best people and let them do their jobs. Gibbs simply taking the role, which is NOT easy, of managing the people.

Perhaps we're seeing Gibbs do what I never thought I'd see him do; he's leaving the kitchen to the chefs who run their own departments and he is overseeing.


You're all F'in Mad...
I think you're right Larry. Joe built his NASCAR empire by hiring Jimmy Makaar and letting him run the show. That doesn't mean that Joe wasn't involved. Just that he let the experts excel within his organization.

My concern with this was voiced by Sonny and Riggo Saturday night. Saunders is alone. Gregg Williams brought his entire staff. Saunders gets the same coaches who have produced a mediocre offense over the last 2 years. He might call the plays on Sunday, but do the inmates run the asylum from Monday-Saturday?

Also, what does this mean for the QB's? Is Ramsey still on his way out? Is Brunell still the MAN - and will he be as productive in Saunders system? Is Campbell still the future or will Saunders bring in a QB to suit his style?

And what happens to Bugel? That guy is a great interview!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're the last person...

Oz said:
I think you're right Larry. Joe built his NASCAR empire by hiring Jimmy Makaar and letting him run the show. That doesn't mean that Joe wasn't involved. Just that he let the experts excel within his organization.

My concern with this was voiced by Sonny and Riggo Saturday night. Saunders is alone. Gregg Williams brought his entire staff. Saunders gets the same coaches who have produced a mediocre offense over the last 2 years. He might call the plays on Sunday, but do the inmates run the asylum from Monday-Saturday?

Also, what does this mean for the QB's? Is Ramsey still on his way out? Is Brunell still the MAN - and will he be as productive in Saunders system? Is Campbell still the future or will Saunders bring in a QB to suit his style?

And what happens to Bugel? That guy is a great interview!

...I thought would agree with me on anything Redskin.

Thank you.

Gibbs giving control to those in the know in NASCAR is simple; he's a football coach not a pit crew chief.

But football? Now, it's almost like he's reaching the stage Snyder had to learn to resist; buying every shiny bauble and coin he sees reflecting in the pool.

I've heard nothing but great things about Saunders but you make the point as simple as it is; Saunders was great at what he did, not what Gibbs does and he's got none of his crew to help. That's a great analogy with Williams.

PS: Unless Saunders says "You know Joe, if we're gonna run my offense, I'd be using Ramsey" then Patrick is GONE.

I mean, Ramsey and Trent Green are near carbons. Good sized pocket QB's with good arms who look deep. THAT'S what worked in KC and THAT'S what Saunders does.

None of this is making much sense.


24/7 Single Dad
Larry Gude said:
...I've heard nothing but great things about Saunders but you make the point as simple as it is; Saunders was great at what he did, not what Gibbs does and he's got none of his crew to help. That's a great analogy with Williams.
I think it's to early to say that. Supporting staff members are probably still under discussion at the head office.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

aps45819 said:
I think it's to early to say that. Supporting staff members are probably still under discussion at the head office.

...if he's gonna be the guy, that would make sense.

Here's hoping so.


My Sweetest Boy
Phase II of the transition of Gibbs becoming the General Manager of the team. It is crystal clear.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think you're...

cattitude said:
Phase II of the transition of Gibbs becoming the General Manager of the team. It is crystal clear.


Wierd though, isn't it? The thought of Joe walking around like Bobby Bowden asking his assistants what's going on...???


You're all F'in Mad...
Larry Gude said:
I mean, Ramsey and Trent Green are near carbons. Good sized pocket QB's with good arms who look deep. THAT'S what worked in KC and THAT'S what Saunders does.

None of this is making much sense.

Yeah, they're carbon copies of eachother right up to the point where Trent Green is a good QB, and Ramsey sucks... Green is far more mobile than Ramsey, and appears to have better vision. (check their stats!) Green sat for his first 5 years, and Ramsey got pounded into the turf during his first two. Trent Green is closer to a Brett Favre, only with a better rating. Ramsey only wishes he could perform the way those two guys have. Maybe someday, maybe not. Probably not in Washington.


New Member
QB's that sucked as Redskins

There were a lot of QB's that sucked.... while they were here in Washington.

There was Brad Johnson... he never did anything great after he left the 'skins. Except win a Superbowl.

And, Rich Gannon... he only went to a Superbowl too.

There were others too...

But let's not forget about all those greats...

-Gus Freotte.
-Jeff George.
-Trent Green.
etc. etc. etc.

I've always believed that Ramsey could get the job done if he was given the opportunity. And when I say opportunity, that has to involve a period of learning... one or two loosing seasons.

All of the QB changes is the result of an impatient owner. Snyder could sure take a few lessons from the Rooney's....