Gibbs/Snyder press conference...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...and reading the tea leaves;

Snyder said he's a "don't fix it if it ain't broke guy' in reference to questions regarding the front office system of Dan, Vinny and Joe all playing at GM.

That means it's his toy and he's still going to play with it which should mean no Cowher if Bill wants to run the whole show.

Gibbs said, repeatedly, he's going to be around and wants to see this thing through, rather obviously meaning the team win a Superbowl. He won't have a team office and won't be doing anything but what Snyder asks of him.

I don't see how the team can be much changed under all those statements.

Looks like Williams, head coach, Saunders O cord, and we still have to put up with Portis and Moss.


...and reading the tea leaves;

Snyder said he's a "don't fix it if it ain't broke guy' in reference to questions regarding the front office system of Dan, Vinny and Joe all playing at GM.

That means it's his toy and he's still going to play with it which should mean no Cowher if Bill wants to run the whole show.

Gibbs said, repeatedly, he's going to be around and wants to see this thing through, rather obviously meaning the team win a Superbowl. He won't have a team office and won't be doing anything but what Snyder asks of him.

I don't see how the team can be much changed under all those statements.

Looks like Williams, head coach, Saunders O cord, and we still have to put up with Portis and Moss.
Ole' Danny Boy IS the problem with the 'Skins........:popcorn:


Nothing to see here
Looks like Williams, head coach, Saunders O cord, and we still have to put up with Portis and Moss.

While I agree with Williams as Head Coach, Saunders Assistant Head Coach Offense(gotta get these titles right) but what is the problem with Portis and Moss?? I may have missed something you wrote about them, but they aren't huge bad factors in evaluating the skins..Moss would be fantastic if we had a BIG receiver across from him and altho portis is not the runner he once was, he's still better than 70% of the running backs out there.

They put anyone other than Williams in at head coach, he's gone and we're back to square one.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
The comment Gibbs made that made me chuckle was that Snyder is not in it to make money he just wants to win a Superbowl. HAHA Buy 1 get 1 free Snyder? Not.


While I agree with Williams as Head Coach, Saunders Assistant Head Coach Offense(gotta get these titles right) but what is the problem with Portis and Moss?? I may have missed something you wrote about them, but they aren't huge bad factors in evaluating the skins..Moss would be fantastic if we had a BIG receiver across from him and altho portis is not the runner he once was, he's still better than 70% of the running backs out there.

They put anyone other than Williams in at head coach, he's gone and we're back to square one.

Moss does have a BIG receiver across from him. He's called Chris Coolie. He is way under-utilized and, by far, the most reliable receiver on the team. The way he runs (very Riggins like) I would put him in as a full-back. Coolie is their big-play guy.

As far as Portis goes, he has become a :yawn: of a runner. There is no big-run left in him. He trips easily, he stops too often looking for openings making it easy for the defense to catch him, and he hardly ever gets a big run anymore. He runs like he's afraid he's going to get injured again. I thought he should have been gone half way through the season.


I too heard the Press Conference they replayed it on Redskins Radio tonight on my way home from work. Gibbs sounded giddy and very much sounded like he still would be in the picture and as an advisor, he said we are like family to him - made me feel relieved he wasnt just packing up and leaving. He said he will still always play some part in the Redskin franchise :clap: I too like Portis. Not much at first, but I saw what he can bring to a team - a sense of humor, his characters to make folks laugh, sensitivity and the ability to not only run here and there but stay in as a blocking back. Great for play action. Between loosing Taylor about 6 weeks ago, then today hearing Gibbs is stepping down in his CURRENT position, hearing we get rid of Portis just may set me over the edge :jameo:


My Sweetest Boy
...Plus other information as to "why"...

I posted this somewhere else, but according to George Michaels it aint gonna happen...


Remember when Gibbs came back 4 years ago? Michaels said "no way" was that gonna happen....and he cited his close friendship with Gibbs and said he would have known. Fast forward ..he said that Gibbs would honor the 5 year contract.

Don't get me wrong, I love George...but nobody knows for sure.


Nothing to see here
Moss does have a BIG receiver across from him. He's called Chris Coolie. He is way under-utilized and, by far, the most reliable receiver on the team. The way he runs (very Riggins like) I would put him in as a full-back. Coolie is their big-play guy.

As far as Portis goes, he has become a :yawn: of a runner. There is no big-run left in him. He trips easily, he stops too often looking for openings making it easy for the defense to catch him, and he hardly ever gets a big run anymore. He runs like he's afraid he's going to get injured again. I thought he should have been gone half way through the season.

Cooley is a tight end..not a big wide receiver...geesh


Football addict
Moss does have a BIG receiver across from him. He's called Chris Coolie. He is way under-utilized and, by far, the most reliable receiver on the team. The way he runs (very Riggins like) I would put him in as a full-back. Coolie is their big-play guy.

As far as Portis goes, he has become a :yawn: of a runner. There is no big-run left in him. He trips easily, he stops too often looking for openings making it easy for the defense to catch him, and he hardly ever gets a big run anymore. He runs like he's afraid he's going to get injured again. I thought he should have been gone half way through the season.
I'd like to see him behind a 'healthy' O-line once again.


Cooley is a tight end..not a big wide receiver...geesh

Ummmm, they are both receivers. Quarterback passes, receiver catches. Makes no difference if it's a WR or TE. :smack:

Cooley needs more ball time. I feel Campbell had a fav. It was Moss; regardless of how many times he dropped balls. Campbell typically ignored Cooley.


Football addict
Ummmm, they are both receivers. Quarterback passes, receiver catches. Makes no difference if it's a WR or TE. :smack:

Cooley needs more ball time. I feel Campbell had a fav. It was Moss; regardless of how many times he dropped balls. Campbell typically ignored Cooley.

Simple, Cooley is slower (ala TE). It would benefit Moss and the team to have a tall 'quick' receiver (ala WR).

I agree though, Cooley should get the ball a lot more.


I agree though, Cooley should get the ball a lot more.

WTF?! Better check your stats again. Chris Cooley was getting the more catches throughout the season. He's was great tight end for my fantasy team. Redskins don't use their wide receivers that much. Portis was looking weak this year though. :(

Regular Season 2007 stats:
Moss had 61 Receptions, 808 Yards, 3 Touchdowns
Cooley had 66 Receptions, 786 Yards, 8 Touchdowns


Football addict
WTF?! Better check your stats again. Chris Cooley was getting the more catches throughout the season. He's was great tight end for my fantasy team. Redskins don't use their wide receivers that much. Portis was looking weak this year though. :(

Regular Season 2007 stats:
Moss had 61 Receptions, 808 Yards, 3 Touchdowns
Cooley had 66 Receptions, 786 Yards, 8 Touchdowns

I know he was the leading receiver, he should have been with the injuries to Moss and Randle el. He was definitely used more in blocking packages than I would have liked this year.

2006 = 57 rec.

2005 = 71 rec. (breakout year)

2004 = 37 rec.

This year he had 66 and in 05' he had 71 and both years we went to the playoffs. Get this man the ball 'more' and you have a better chance of winning.

Portis was looking weak this year though. : (

1200+ yards isn't too bad with half your O-line decimated.

Oh yea, Portis was 6th this year for yards. He was 4th in touchdowns with eleven only behind LT, Addai, and Peterson. I'd say that's some good running back company to be grouped with.

...and to think that the Chargers, Colts, and Vikings have some of the best O-lines in the business.

Check my stats, you jest.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

While I agree with Williams as Head Coach, Saunders Assistant Head Coach Offense(gotta get these titles right) but what is the problem with Portis and Moss?? I may have missed something you wrote about them, but they aren't huge bad factors in evaluating the skins..Moss would be fantastic if we had a BIG receiver across from him and altho portis is not the runner he once was, he's still better than 70% of the running backs out there.

They put anyone other than Williams in at head coach, he's gone and we're back to square one.

...I agree Moss would be more effective if we had a big possession guy to compliment him. But we don't. Santana is a #2, at best, and I think he is being paid like a #1 and figures into the psyche of the team as a #1. He has come up short several times this year with key drops and key turnovers which just really irked me including the one Collins put in his hands early in the Seattle game on third down. Coulda been a momentum changer, if not game, when we really needed it.

If we got a big guy and it worked within the inner dynamics of the team, sure, keep him, but, I am mad at him for some bad plays and I also don't like the constant ham string issues. Gary Clark had problems but just seemed to make plays when he had to on Sunday. Probably my biggest knock on Moss is I am sick of this 'U' identity. You're a freaking Redskin or get lost.

Which leads me to Portis. On top of the 'U' thing, what is our scheme? Are we a power running team with power blocking schemes and power types on the line or are we a Denver/KC zone team with appropriate personnel? CP has also hurt the team at bad times this year with turnovers and he just looked slow on Saturday, like he just wasn't mentally ready to play. He seemed to miss a couple of pick ups on the blitz as well. And for that matter, Sellers looked like his head was elsewhere and he ain't even a U guy.

Again, if we had more help at WR and if we were clearer on running scheme, the on field issues become moot, which is not the players fault. Then I can just be annoyed with the 'U' thing.

I am just so unsure of what has actually gone on behind the scenes with the team, the players faults become magnified as what they do on the field ends up being the only thing to go by; performance.

In the press conference today Gibbs said something very telling; that he thought when he came back that he could do things different than his first time around in order to avoid the heavy hours and endless work; thus the bureaucracy he built thus we never got Joe Gibbs I, the coach, we got Joe Gibbs II 'the corporation builder' and I've railed against that for a couple years now.

There is a dynamic missing when the coach and everyone else isn't constantly on the chopping block to perform; that's just the nature of the game. It's not nice and it's not 'fair' but it does provide that edge you need when you are competing at the highest level against a bunch of other people trying to beat you.

The way things have been done is now, in my view, going to be very vulnerable to flying apart into a million pieces simply because the dynamic presence of Joe Gibbs was the only thing holding together a Rube Goldberg contraption. I think it's time to start from scratch with a young coach and a young GM and that means rebuilding the team and that means getting draft picks for Portis and Moss.

I mean, this team was probably headed to 8-8 or 7-9 before Sean and JC's injury. It overcame what it was to play better as opposed to a good team falling apart under those kind of blows. The offense has been the constant under achiever around here. Portis and Moss may fit into a new future, maybe not.

The NFL is a scoring league now as evidenced by Indy and the Pats and even Dallas. If Saunders can have his way, his system puts up points. Couple that with a Greg Williams defense and that sounds good to me.

You are totally right; no Greg means start over. If Greg gets the job, will he be happy with a Saunders offense or will he want a ball control O to give his guys breaks? Does Campbell really even fit into a Saunders offense? I think we know he doesn't, at all. At least at this point.

Bottom line is Snyders not about to quit playing with his toy which means whomever is in charge will only be so up to a limited point. There will be no GM who isn't a pal. Whereas Joe might have been able to manage a TO even though it seems sure Joe made sure that didn't happen to begin with, will Williams be able to resist the owner wanting his shny new things that just don't fit, the Jeff Georges, and so on?

Again, as messed up as the Joe Gibbs hydra was, it was at least kept in some sort of order by Joe's huge presence.

I am not excited about his leaving. I think an asylum just lost the only thing that kept it from complete chaos.

What do I know? I grow flowers.