Gibbs to start Campbell!!!!!!!!!!


Football season!
I went to search on information about campbell and came across his wiki page. It has already been updated regarding his start. Now that is fast!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hold up...

#1. This is BS. There is NO reason to bench Brunell if they way he is playing has been acceptable. How the hell do you go to your players and say "You know what, we, all of a sudden, have a problem that is related directly to the QB'. Why not 2 weeks or 5 weeks ago? Either the guy has been doing, mostly, what you ask of him or he hasn't.

Gibbs said he did it, the change, to get, hopefully, more production from the position. Which leads me to...

#2. The coaches know what they've been looking at in film for 9 weeks. Hell, three years. What we fans don't get is film coupled with knowing the play call and knowing what the QB should be recognizing, reading, from the defense. Then they know as the play unfolds if Mark has been reading and executing what they coach him to do. Or not. Either a guy is, mostly, making the right reads and making the plays or he has not.

If Mark has been, why change?

If he has not, why wait so long?

To put it another way, if Mark has been doing a good job, where does it stand to reason that Campbell or Collins is going to make better reads or passes?

Back to the converse; if Mark has NOT been making the correct reads and good plays, WHY WAIT SO LONG???

This is a circular argument and is the essence of being objectively critical.

Are they going to now, suddenly, start calling more deep passes or have they not been calling them because of Mark's play? How can you possibly expect more from a rookie if the vet has been doing fine and you've been calling the game without limiting it due to the qb's limitations?

How could you possibly be limiting the game plan due to the qb yet been claiming everything is going well enough at qb?

The same argument starts all over again.

This is madness. So, now, at 3-6, with the season all but lost, we switch qb's? If the obvious is true, that the play calling has been limited because Brunell doesn't have the tools anymore and/or he has not been making the read and throw they want, then we will see Jason filling the air with footballs, attacking instead of taking 5 yard screens on third and 8, going deep, getting catches, pass interference penalties and some int's that are really no worse than a punt. Attacking. Putting a defense on it's heels instead of everyone running at us because it's either gonna be a run or a short pass.

Joe has chosen to wait this long, knowing Mark was limited, knowing you have all that talent at WR that has been asked to run screens all year. Knowing you paid a guy 2 large to call screen plays.

I'd feel for Gibbs, but I tend to not feel sorry for people who insist on beating their heads against a wall to prove a point that, even if proved, doesn't disprove the converse. We'd be worse with Ramsey? We'd be worse if Campbell started the year?

This is just making it far worse. My God. What if Jason throws for 300 yards and a couple scores and, heaven forbid, wins against Tampa? What kind of a press conference will that be? Any joy in his playing well dies in the 'what if' wind of discontent that is a fact of life when you are into a team so much.



New Member
Gibbs said it himself. It's not about one guy. It's about 53. And a change at the QB position is the one change that you can make that has a chance at affecting the rest of the 53 guys in a positive way.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Ponytail said:
Gibbs said it himself. It's not about one guy. It's about 53. And a change at the QB position is the one change that you can make that has a chance at affecting the rest of the 53 guys in a positive way. If the guy has done what you ask, it makes NO sense. If changing one guy might make everyone else have a better attitude, why not do it before the season is over?


Gibbs has been polishing the turd of Brunells play in every possible way. He sacrificed the team to Mark last year at the end of the season when Mark staggered into the playoffs. He sacrificed the team in the playoffs. He sacrificed 9 games this year. I don't give credit to people who've been feeding me #### when they stop feeding me shut just because they ran out of ####.


New Member
Larry Gude said: If the guy has done what you ask, it makes NO sense. If changing one guy might make everyone else have a better attitude, why not do it before the season is over?


Gibbs has been polishing the turd of Brunells play in every possible way. He sacrificed the team to Mark last year at the end of the season when Mark staggered into the playoffs. He sacrificed the team in the playoffs. He sacrificed 9 games this year. I don't give credit to people who've been feeding me #### when they stop feeding me shut just because they ran out of ####.

:lol: I gotta agree that Gibbs waited way too long to make this decision. But the season is only at the halfway point. Playoffs for the redskins is still possible. But Campbell needs to give this team a real shot in the tail, like Romo did for the Cowboys, and some other conference teams need to falter somewhat, which is entirely possible. There are several very young, first year QB's that seem to have jump started previously drowning teams. Dallas, Chicago, Tampa bay...


New Member
I'm outta here. I can't wait anymore for Gibbs' show to start. I'd like to hear what he has to say.. Hopefully, ESPN will talk about it later. I'm headed home. How's the bridge? :jameo:


New Member
Personal opinion... I think the reality has set in that the Redskins won't make the playoffs. Gibbs is putting Campbell in because he needs to get some experience so he can start next year. Gibbs has said all along that Campbell is the future, now that the only thing left for the 'Skins to play for is pride, why not get Campbell his experience?

I think Mark Brunell has put them in the best position to win (only 4 interceptions all year), but the blocking hasn't been there for him (or Portis), and the defense has really been pitiful... if Gibbs had put Campbell in earlier I think we would have had to deal with the learning curve of a new QB on top of bad blocking and bad defense.

I think it is the right time to start looking to next year and find out if Campbell can actually play at the pro level... I think we would win more games with Brunell, but the kid has got to take his lumps sometime... lets do it now!


New Member
McGee said:
Personal opinion... I think the reality has set in that the Redskins won't make the playoffs. ...

I was just trying to make Larry feel better. He's taking it kinda hard. :lol:

Nanny Pam

McGee said:
Personal opinion... I think the reality has set in that the Redskins won't make the playoffs. Gibbs is putting Campbell in because he needs to get some experience so he can start next year. Gibbs has said all along that Campbell is the future, now that the only thing left for the 'Skins to play for is pride, why not get Campbell his experience?

I think Mark Brunell has put them in the best position to win (only 4 interceptions all year), but the blocking hasn't been there for him (or Portis), and the defense has really been pitiful... if Gibbs had put Campbell in earlier I think we would have had to deal with the learning curve of a new QB on top of bad blocking and bad defense.

I think it is the right time to start looking to next year and find out if Campbell can actually play at the pro level... I think we would win more games with Brunell, but the kid has got to take his lumps sometime... lets do it now!

That was a great 1st post! :clap:

I totally agree with you.

The skins are not going to make it to the super bowl this year.

They have a guy sitting on the bench that needs to get in there, during the regular season. He has to hear the fans. He has to experience the lights, camera, action! He has to play in a game. It's time to get him up, and get him ready for next year. They have nothing to lose. Bench warmers are a dime a dozen. What did this guy cost? Draft picks, I think. So lets move on.


New Member
hey does anyone remember Doug Williams? He was a replacement and took us to a superbowl. It's still possible. Don't give up hope.


Well-Known Member
Sheardelight said:
hey does anyone remember Doug Williams? He was a replacement and took us to a superbowl. It's still possible. Don't give up hope.

Doug Williams had been in the league for several years before coming to the skins. He wasn't just a replacement. He was a starter for Tampa Bay when he and Kevin House were just about their only offense (and Ricky Bell). Not the same situation. He did wear number 17 here though so Jason Campbell has that going for him....which is nice. :lol:


Set Trippin
Redskins to don the number 17 include...

17 Jason Campbell QB 6' 4" / 230 Auburn
17 Fred Davis G/T 6' 3'' / 244 Alabama
17 Turk Edwards T 6' 2'' / 255 Washington State
17 John Friesz QB 6' 4'' / 223 Idaho
17 Galen Hall QB 5' 10'' / 200 Penn State
17 Jim Hart QB 6' 2'' / 205 Southern Illinois
17 Rob Johnson QB 6' 4'' / 210 Southern California
17 Billy Kilmer OHB/QB 6' 0'' / 201 UCLA
17 M.C. Reynolds QB 6' 0'' / 193 Louisiana State
17 Harry Theofiledes QB 5' 10'' / 180 Waynesburg
17 Doug Williams QB 6' 4'' / 220 Grambling State
17 Danny Wuerffel QB 6' 1'' / 212 Florida