Gibbs to start Campbell!!!!!!!!!!


Nothing to see here
Ponytail said:
I was just trying to make Larry feel better. He's taking it kinda hard. :lol:

Don't feel sorry for Larry, he's been in the tank for Brunell way too long, its about time he learned to face reality. :lmao:

This season is shot, they have to find out if Campbell can play before next season. Frankly, even tho Larry won't say it, if Ramsey was still here and starting, we'd be 4-5 or 5-4 IMO. NO ONE is scared of Brunell going deep, so the d-backs crowd the line and let him throw his 2 yd completions. I used to defend Brunell but there have been way too many times this year on 3rd and 5 where he has thrown balls away with a half way clear field in front of him to at least try to run to get a first down. He's lost his edge.


Collins was clearly the better QB out of the two back ups during pre season.

This smells like more of that Gibbs diversity BS to me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I totally agree...

Ponytail said:
:lol: I gotta agree that Gibbs waited way too long to make this decision. But the season is only at the halfway point. Playoffs for the redskins is still possible. But Campbell needs to give this team a real shot in the tail, like Romo did for the Cowboys, and some other conference teams need to falter somewhat, which is entirely possible. There are several very young, first year QB's that seem to have jump started previously drowning teams. Dallas, Chicago, Tampa bay...

...but, again, to put it yet another way, what good is using a defibrulator once the patient has already suffered brain damage and major organ failure?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
First off...

McGee said:
Personal opinion... I think the reality has set in that the Redskins won't make the playoffs. Gibbs is putting Campbell in because he needs to get some experience so he can start next year. Gibbs has said all along that Campbell is the future, now that the only thing left for the 'Skins to play for is pride, why not get Campbell his experience?

I think Mark Brunell has put them in the best position to win (only 4 interceptions all year), but the blocking hasn't been there for him (or Portis), and the defense has really been pitiful... if Gibbs had put Campbell in earlier I think we would have had to deal with the learning curve of a new QB on top of bad blocking and bad defense.

I think it is the right time to start looking to next year and find out if Campbell can actually play at the pro level... I think we would win more games with Brunell, but the kid has got to take his lumps sometime... lets do it now!

...welcome aboard.

Allow me to introduce myself;

I am the abject well of despair. I am the essence of gallows humor when it comes to this team.

If Brunell put us in the best position to win, then he puts us in the best position to win and changing is pointless for two reasons;

1. We gotta win. It's not over yet.

2. The benefit of a qb cutting his teeth in meaningless games, ie, the season is lost, is marginal, at best. Yes, he'll face teams that need to beat us, but he will not gain any experience in the intense pressure of him needing to win with the entire organization and fan base' hopes resting on him.

The circular argument begins anew.


Nanny Pam

Larry Gude said:
...welcome aboard.

Allow me to introduce myself;

I am the abject well of despair. I am the essence of gallows humor when it comes to this team.

If Brunell put us in the best position to win, then he puts us in the best position to win and changing is pointless for two reasons;

1. We gotta win. It's not over yet.

2. The benefit of a qb cutting his teeth in meaningless games, ie, the season is lost, is marginal, at best. Yes, he'll face teams that need to beat us, but he will not gain any experience in the intense pressure of him needing to win with the entire organization and fan base' hopes resting on him.

The circular argument begins anew.

Yes, Larry. IT's over. Focus on next year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

otter said:
Don't feel sorry for Larry, he's been in the tank for Brunell way too long, its about time he learned to face reality. :lmao:

This season is shot, they have to find out if Campbell can play before next season. Frankly, even tho Larry won't say it, if Ramsey was still here and starting, we'd be 4-5 or 5-4 IMO. NO ONE is scared of Brunell going deep, so the d-backs crowd the line and let him throw his 2 yd completions. I used to defend Brunell but there have been way too many times this year on 3rd and 5 where he has thrown balls away with a half way clear field in front of him to at least try to run to get a first down. He's lost his edge.

Joey T

Jay Shroeder

Doug Williams

Mark Rypien

Mark Brunell

Pat Ramsey

Which one of these doesn't belong????????

Hint: One of these does not stand in the pocket and deliver the freaking ball down field at ALL and ANY cost.

Hint: One of these scampers to buy time to throw the ball away. The others bought time for hint #1.

Hint: Two of these has never been to the Super Bowl as a Redskin. One of those two can't because he ain't a Skin no more.




I'll say this well past being blue in the face; MOST NFL qb's make or break season is their 4th year INCLUDING one Mark Brunell who blossomed in year 4 for the Jags. Pat, after two years of Spurriers chuck and bleed system, Ramsey was starting his 4th season and LOOKING good against the Bears when St. Joe decided one hit was excuse enough.

I firmly believe we would have had more sacks and int's with Ramsey. And more bombs and more points and...more W's.


Well-Known Member
Seriously though,

I'm worried about him starting Campbell because of the hare-brained substitution scheme thus far this season. If he was only willing to substitute Campbell after giving him a week's worth of snaps; what does that really say about his ability to improvise if a play breaks down? Sometimes they have to be able to fly by the seat of their pants.