Gift that keeps giving



True Story. First of all I have to say I LOVE being preggers.

10 years ago I was reading the local paper as I always do. There was an advertisement for a surrogate. I called.

I was offered 100K, plus all expenses, but it would HAVE to be my egg. I couldn't do it.

I would have been happy to be an incubator for another sperm/egg.

I hope she got her baby.


art imitating life
I have thought about it but heard it is painful for them to get the eggs once they are ready to. Also you have to do things to increase your egg count. I think it was like what others said and giving yourself shots or getting shots. Also you can't have intercourse while this is happening. Not so sure my husband would be happy with that idea. I have also considered being a surrogate(sp?) but I would not be able to carry a child for 9 months and then just give it away.

I'm out!



New Member
I thought about it for a while, but I have a health issue and they won't accept mine. The only thing that bothered me was that it's apparently supposed to be painful. Not sure if it's bleeding from the eyeballs painful or my pants are too tight painful, but I don't likey pain.



Deemed you level headed... Just made the psychotic biatch list! :love: