Girl Running To Mom Chokes To Death In Bronx


Princess of Mean
Verisimilitude said:
Do you dislike animals too? Why are you so cynical towards children and their deaths? Not all children are abused to death.

Do you know how to read and look at pictures? That's a dachshund as my avatar, and my signature blathers on about saving animals.
My cynicism isn't limited towards children and their deaths, it is all encompassing.
Normally, it's not news unless a child meets a horrific death, like roasting to death in the car while Mom is at work. That's why I said it was refreshing to see a normal accidental death.


Hello6 said:
Do you know how to read and look at pictures? That's a dachshund as my avatar, and my signature blathers on about saving animals.
My cynicism isn't limited towards children and their deaths, it is all encompassing.
Normally, it's not news unless a child meets a horrific death, like roasting to death in the car while Mom is at work. That's why I said it was refreshing to see a normal accidental death.

:roflmao: Don't get upset... it may just be another friend of Tiggers like Canuk. :poorbaby: Are you taking your dog up to the Walk in the Park sunday?
Hello6 said:
Do you know how to read and look at pictures? That's a dachshund as my avatar, and my signature blathers on about saving animals.
My cynicism isn't limited towards children and their deaths, it is all encompassing.
Normally, it's not news unless a child meets a horrific death, like roasting to death in the car while Mom is at work. That's why I said it was refreshing to see a normal accidental death.

I just asked a question. No reason to get snippy wit'it.


Princess of Mean
dems4me said:
:roflmao: Don't get upset... it may just be another friend of Tiggers like Canuk. :poorbaby: Are you taking your dog up to the Walk in the Park sunday?

Thanks to a fire on the big ghey boat, I will be free this weekend, but I am going to the K9 Karnival in VA Bch on Sat. I went to a dog walk sponsored on Pax when I was stationed up there, it was great fun.


Hello6 said:
I just answered your question. There's always a reson to get snippy.

I'd just ignore him/her. :yay:

The dog walk sounds like fun but my arm is already starting to dread the idea... the dog just doesn't know the heel command and gets soo excited when she's out she can't hear a word you tell her... to get her attention you need to shout her name about 15 times before she finally turns around to quickly glance at you and continue what she was doing... LOL!!! Very low attention span... :roflmao:


American Beauty
PREMO Member

I just saw a really cute dachshund. Unfortunately, it was standing on the lap of the driver of the car, leaning out the window.


Princess of Mean
:shame: If I were up there, that could've been me. I have a bumpersticker that says Dog is my Copilot. Dude pulls up beside me on a sunny warm day and sure enough, Otto was helping me drive. I just know one of these days we're gonna get rear ended and he's going to be just a red smear on the driver's side air bag, and it won't be anyone's fault but my own. Accidents happen.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
She did have a leash on him/her, so hopefully he/she won't tip and fall out of the window. Then again, it might just get hung.

When I had my GS, she rode in the back of the T-Bird, then SUV. I had to constantly remind her to lay down.
Hello6 said:
Where's the sport in that? :nofun:

Ever try a halti harness? Or a "no pull" type one?

Are you in a better mood today?

I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot yesterday. I apologize for any part I may have played in this.

I am pleased to hear you like animals and I think you have a really cute dog picture to the left of your messages.


Verisimilitude said:
Are you in a better mood today?

I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot yesterday. I apologize for any part I may have played in this.

I am pleased to hear you like animals and I think you have a really cute dog picture to the left of your messages.

I wouldn't worry about it if I were you our could send her a private message aplogizing... people step on other people's toes all the time here...:lol: (some more than others) Welcome to the forums :flowers:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As long as you don't give him any...

Hello6 said:
:shame: If I were up there, that could've been me. I have a bumpersticker that says Dog is my Copilot. Dude pulls up beside me on a sunny warm day and sure enough, Otto was helping me drive. I just know one of these days we're gonna get rear ended and he's going to be just a red smear on the driver's side air bag, and it won't be anyone's fault but my own. Accidents happen.

...hard candy for Gods sake.


Princess of Mean
Verisimilitude said:
Are you in a better mood today?

I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot yesterday. I apologize for any part I may have played in this.

I am pleased to hear you like animals and I think you have a really cute dog picture to the left of your messages.

I'm always in a wonderful mood because other people's misery brings me pure joy.
Please don't think my responses were even remotely personal, I enjoy smarting off, and people post things that make it so very easy for me. You haven't posted enough for me to have developed any inclinations toward you, positive or negative. I like to wait to get to know people before I bother to spend energy disliking them. And once I know them, they go on IGNORE. Somehow, dems has managed to escape the button. Others have not.

Thank you for your comments on Otto, he is king of all he sees.


Princess of Mean
Larry Gude said:
...hard candy for Gods sake.

I know the Heimlich for dogs, and I once saved an obese cat by dislodging an Upwords scrabble tile from the roof of his mouth.
Someone I used to know would give my dogs Brach's peppermint disks to improve their breath. I guess he was secretly trying to kill them. :jerkstore:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah, yeah all well and fine but...

Hello6 said:
I know the Heimlich for dogs, and I once saved an obese cat by dislodging an Upwords scrabble tile from the roof of his mouth.
Someone I used to know would give my dogs Brach's peppermint disks to improve their breath. I guess he was secretly trying to kill them. :jerkstore:

...what letter was it?