Girls are fat because of not enough housework


Lawful neutral
Women are piling on the pounds because they have cut down on housework, study shows | Mail Online

We have long been told that our unhealthy diet is why we are all too fat.
But now, when it comes to women at least, researchers have a rather more controversial explanation for rising obesity - they are not doing enough housework.

Women are piling on the pounds because they have cut down on the amount they are cooking and cleaning, a study has shown.
They are burning up to 360 calories less a day than their parents did because they are so sedentary around the house.


Now, what is the reason men are fatter than they were in the 60's??? :confused:

IMO, this article is a big crock. Sure women don't spend as much time doing housework as our mothers or grandmothers but they also didn't have all these hormones in their food either. Last night I was fussing at my boys and my husband because for some reason, they think if they fold ONE load of laundry or take the trash out that they have cleaned the ENTIRE house. Nevermind in the time they were doing those chores, I ran the vacuum, hung up a crap load of clothes, wiped down 2 bathrooms and cleaned the cat box.
Now, what is the reason men are fatter than they were in the 60's??? :confused:

IMO, this article is a big crock. Sure women don't spend as much time doing housework as our mothers or grandmothers but they also didn't have all these hormones in their food either. Last night I was fussing at my boys and my husband because for some reason, they think if they fold ONE load of laundry or take the trash out that they have cleaned the ENTIRE house. Nevermind in the time they were doing those chores, I ran the vacuum, hung up a crap load of clothes, wiped down 2 bathrooms and cleaned the cat box.
I agree with you that the food we eat is no longer as healthy as it was before all of the chemicals and processing that has become the standard today... but I completely believe there is truth to their findings as well! We've become a "sit down" society and technology is a big part of that... as for men... they no longer push mow the grass, they sit on a riding mower. They no longer rake, they sit on a mower with a leaf sucker or they meander across the yard with a blower. They aren't feeding their family with veggies, fruit, meat and dairy they've worked. The aren't cutting and processing wood to keep the house warm... the list goes on and on and on just as it does for women. The human body is best served by being a body in motion and we just aren't required to go through the motions these days as we were required in the past thanks to technology and to hiring others to do the physical work for us.


Well-Known Member
Now, what is the reason men are fatter than they were in the 60's??? :confused:

IMO, this article is a big crock. Sure women don't spend as much time doing housework as our mothers or grandmothers but they also didn't have all these hormones in their food either. Last night I was fussing at my boys and my husband because for some reason, they think if they fold ONE load of laundry or take the trash out that they have cleaned the ENTIRE house. Nevermind in the time they were doing those chores, I ran the vacuum, hung up a crap load of clothes, wiped down 2 bathrooms and cleaned the cat box.

In this day and age, both men and women, working outside the home, tend to have more sedentary jobs. We don't work as physically hard as we did a generation ago.
Now, what is the reason men are fatter than they were in the 60's??? :confused:

IMO, this article is a big crock. Sure women don't spend as much time doing housework as our mothers or grandmothers but they also didn't have all these hormones in their food either. Last night I was fussing at my boys and my husband because for some reason, they think if they fold ONE load of laundry or take the trash out that they have cleaned the ENTIRE house. Nevermind in the time they were doing those chores, I ran the vacuum, hung up a crap load of clothes, wiped down 2 bathrooms and cleaned the cat box.

Because men today drink beer, not liquor.
In the 60's they drank cocktails, not beer.


Lawful neutral
I get fat when I drink liquor because I end up hammered and eat all of the cheese in my house. I love cheese :shrug:


I agree with you that the food we eat is no longer as healthy as it was before all of the chemicals and processing that has become the standard today... but I completely believe there is truth to their findings as well! We've become a "sit down" society and technology is a big part of that... as for men... they no longer push mow the grass, they sit on a riding mower. They no longer rake, they sit on a mower with a leaf sucker or they meander across the yard with a blower. They aren't feeding their family with veggies, fruit, meat and dairy they've worked. The aren't cutting and processing wood to keep the house warm... the list goes on and on and on just as it does for women. The human body is best served by being a body in motion and we just aren't required to go through the motions these days as we were required in the past thanks to technology and to hiring others to do the physical work for us.

And I completely agree with that. A few years ago, I took a desk job and ended up on my butt more than on my feet. The change caused me not to gain just 5-10 lbs. but nearly 30 lbs. I've since lost that plus more by supplementing the exercise I now lack.

The article, in a sense, came across a bit sexist when both sexes have seen changes over the years. We are in an obese society.


PREMO Member
IMO, this article is a big crock. Sure women don't spend as much time doing housework as our mothers or grandmothers but they also didn't have all these hormones in their food either.

We've become a "sit down" society and technology is a big part of that... as for men... they no longer push mow the grass, they sit on a riding mower.

some of both ...... a lot more food is already partially processed or cooked ....

how many people cook from start to finish all raw items ?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone read the article anymore?

Try to remember first - this is the UK they're talking about, although the study probably might find the same thing here.

But the study revealed something we all know - if you're a man, we already have data that shows, you're fatter than your forebears, because the bulk of your day is spent sitting at a desk. Your mom or grandma, if she stayed at home, spent 44 hours a week doing housework - now she does 13. She spent 8 hours a week watching TV - now she spends 16.

I don't see how anyone does that WITHOUT gaining weight, unless they're hitting the gym or doing regular exercise somewhere else.

The results are rendered in a sexist way, but the data is what it is. Men and women are doing less to stay active. This article had to do with a study of women.


Your ass is getting kind of big, get in that kitchen and make me a pie!



Girl Scout cookie.

Come to the dark side. :elaine:

There were 10 boxes in this house and I didn't eat not one :yahoo: - I shoved them in a big giant drawer - not sure if they are still there or not. :shrug:

They are highly addictive. I have moments where I swear I'm a 2 piece and a biscuit away from being a fat girl again.


Well-Known Member
Come to the dark side. :elaine:

There were 10 boxes in this house and I didn't eat not one :yahoo: - I shoved them in a big giant drawer - not sure if they are still there or not. :shrug:

They are highly addictive and I go through moments where I swear I'm a 2 piece and a biscuit away from being a fat girl.

I ordered 10 too. I wasn't so good. :lol: