Global Migrant Issues


PREMO Member

Pope Francis denies Europe’s migrant emergency, calls out countries’ ‘alarmist propaganda’

Pope Francis challenged French President Emmanuel Macron and other European leaders to open their ports to people fleeing hardship and poverty, insisting Saturday that the continent isn’t facing a migration “emergency” but rather a long-term reality that governments must deal with humanely.

For a second straight day in the French port city of Marseille, Francis took aim at European countries that have used “alarmist propaganda” to justify closing their doors to migrants and tried to shame them into responding with charity instead.

He called for migrants to have legal pathways to citizenship, and for the Mediterranean Sea that so many cross to reach Europe to be a beacon of hope, not a graveyard of desperation.

The Mediterranean, Francis told Macron and a gathering of regional bishops, “cries out for justice, with its shores that on the one hand exude affluence, consumerism, and waste, while on the other there is poverty and instability.”

The pope’s visit to the city in southern France, which drew an estimated 150,000 well-wishers Saturday, comes as Italy’s far right-led government has reacted to a new wave of arriving migrants by threatening to organize a naval blockade of Tunisia and to step up repatriations.

The French government, for its part, has beefed up patrols on its southern border to stop migrants in Italy from crossing over.


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Should Palestinian refugees come to the West? The lessons of Jordan and Lebanon​



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
A tank of Piranha solution will take care of the problem.


Well-Known Member

I feel bad for Poland, not so much Ireland. You abuse EU tax rules to setup shelters for large mulit-national companies (every big company is "HQ'd" in Ireland because they have the lowest EU tax rate and the companies don't have to pay in every EU country, only in their home country), so you also have to suck it up when the EU tells you to fund stuff with those taxes.


PREMO Member
You abuse EU tax rules to setup shelters for large mulit-national companies (every big company is "HQ'd" in Ireland because they have the lowest EU tax rate

Yeah well Big Media Tech is about to be railed hard with billy club with 40 grit sand paper when the Irish Censorship Laws Kick in and they are FORCED to bend the knee to Woke Language Policing

I really do not care about BMT, but the trickle Down effect as they are FORCED to tone police American Speech because muh Platform