Global Migrant Issues


PREMO Member

A Pakistani taxi driver in Canada tells a woman that if they were in Pakistan, he would kidnap and rape her, but since they’re in Canada, he cannot do anything.

Islamist enclaves almost without exception become radical and problematic, as evidenced by numerous examples in the UK, Dearborn, Michigan, and "Somalia Town" in Minnesota. The term "Islamist" typically refers to individuals who adhere to the most extreme versions of Islam, often marked by the wearing of full-body coverings. This adherence indicates a strict interpretation of Islam, likely reinforced by radical Imams who propagate extremist views. While it is important to note that not all Muslims are Islamists, the disturbing reality is that 99% of global terrorists have identified as Muslim, often driven by these radical ideologies.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Japan getting a taste of that sweet diversity buffet. Curious if they will go back for 2nds.

If Japan surrenders, the final bastion of homogeneity will be Iceland



Well-Known Member

I have to assume some of those IRA blokes from the 80/90s are still around? If this is such a big issue why haven't that started taking care of business like they used to?

(note for big brother, i'm not condoning violence just asking why this historically outspoken group are silent)


PREMO Member
I hadn't seen that bit of info, but I also don't read much news these days.

Reporting has died down, but 2 or 3 months ago that was all the outrage in the, mostly , UK Media ... riots in Ireland, burning buses ... migrant centers ... unfortunately you search twitter posts here and find any of the news


PREMO Member

'Kingpin' migrant SMUGGLER assassinated as Europe scurries to CLOSE borders from migration onslaught​



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
They need to round them all up and throw them out.... As do the U.S., U.K., Germany, Italy, France, Norway, Belgium and every other place these $hitbags are invading.

And when they return them, do it by cargo plane at 36000ft.