Global warming devastates...


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Dennis Quaid is on his way to Colorado right now to save his son before he burns down the library.

It's weak I know, but what can you do?


truby20 said:
Foolishness like this continues to prove that the general population has a very limited understanding of "climate".

I am not a meteorologist. I have a very limited understanding of "climate".

Therefore I am an idiot.


truby20 said:
Are we honestly going to play this game? Fine then, every record high of note will be found and posted.

Foolishness like this continues to prove that the general population has a very limited understanding of "climate".

Start by telling us the number of 100 degree or higher days this summer around here............


Well-Known Member
truby20 said:
Are we honestly going to play this game? Fine then, every record high of note will be found and posted.

Foolishness like this continues to prove that the general population has a very limited understanding of "climate".
This is a surprise? The general population doesn't understand physics, economics, statistics, taxes, theology or cosmology - so what?

(And it's not as though everyone on the planet doesn't use anecdotal evidence to "prove" something that can't be proven with anecdotal evidence. Every single time a priest molests a little boy, a cop abuses a perp or a politician of either party gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, it's not as though people don't paint ALL of them with the same brush).

Fact is - a LOT of people don't understand climate. Including climatologists.

Most evidences I've seen depicting "proof" of global warming occurring since the Industrial Age seem to indicate to me - there ain't enough evidence to conclude ANYTHING. Because you can't forecast climate based on such a short period of data points, and you can't conclude global climate change is due to something that's only been significant in the last 100 years or so.


Fighting like a girl
Toxick said:
Therefore I am an idiot.

You're not an idot, I wasn't saying that.

But obviously this post was made as a "jab" to the global warming argument...that somehow record low temperatures for a couple of days over a localized area prove that global warming is bunk.

I cringe when I see stuff like that, if you don't understand something then don't make an argument for or against it. Educate yourself about it.


Fighting like a girl
rack'm said:
Start by telling us the number of 100 degree or higher days this summer around here............

Zero, we didn't go above 100 degrees any day this year at any of the offical recording stations.

But we have been above normal (normal being an average of the last 30 years):

June: 1.2 deg above normal
July: 1.3 deg above normal
Aug: 2.7 deg above normal
Sep: 4.5 deg above normal
Oct: 1.6 deg above normal
Nov: 1.5 deg above normal

This is from national airport...

climate data


truby20 said:
Zero, we didn't go above 100 degrees any day this year at any of the offical recording stations.

But we have been above normal (normal being an average of the last 30 years):

June: 1.2 deg above normal
July: 1.3 deg above normal
Aug: 2.7 deg above normal
Sep: 4.5 deg above normal
Oct: 1.6 deg above normal
Nov: 1.5 deg above normal

This is from national airport...

climate data

Averages are just that......:shrug:


truby20 said:
But obviously this post was made as a "jab" to the global warming argument...that somehow record low temperatures for a couple of days over a localized area prove that global warming is bunk.
It's no less of a crock than the Chicken Littles of the world who are saying that it's the end of the world as we know it, because the average temperature of North America has risen X degrees over the past 150 years.

There are plenty of reputable scientists who swear that Global warming is real. That right there gives the claim enough credence to at least look into it.

However, the sticky point is this: These scientists aren't the ones who are standing in picket lines, demanding that society revert back to the Stone Age in order to save Mother Gaia from the EEEEEvil Republicans. It's not a political issue and nobody makes jabs about "global warming" until the (tenuous) human connection to the climate is established and obsessed upon ad nauseum.


professional daydreamer
truby20 said:
You're not an idot, I wasn't saying that.

But obviously this post was made as a "jab" to the global warming argument...that somehow record low temperatures for a couple of days over a localized area prove that global warming is bunk.

I cringe when I see stuff like that, if you don't understand something then don't make an argument for or against it. Educate yourself about it.

This post is a pretty good indication that you don't have much of a grasp of climatology, either. So shut yer yap.


Well-Known Member
truby20 said:
You're not an idot, I wasn't saying that.

But obviously this post was made as a "jab" to the global warming argument...that somehow record low temperatures for a couple of days over a localized area prove that global warming is bunk.

I cringe when I see stuff like that, if you don't understand something then don't make an argument for or against it. Educate yourself about it.
yeah, but you can't use a 30 year average to prove anything either. If the world is billions of years old, and the temperature has been fluctuating the whole time, 30 years is a statistically insignificant measurement. now add a few zeros to that and we will talk. Besides most people won't argue that the average temps have been going up slightly, it the cause that is in question, man v. natural ebb and flow


Well-Known Member
Midnightrider said:
yeah, but you can't use a 30 year average to prove anything either. If the world is billions of years old, and the temperature has been fluctuating the whole time, 30 years is a statistically insignificant measurement. now add a few zeros to that and we will talk. Besides most people won't argue that the average temps have been going up slightly, it the cause that is in question, man v. natural ebb and flow
Although I'm a skeptic in this debate - and I think, to definitively be correct on global warming, you're right - we can't afford to wait that long to see if we're right or wrong on the matter. Fact is, we're IN the experiment to find out. Add a few zero's, and if we're wrong, we're all *toast*. It's like being lost on the ocean and debating which is the right direction to row - knowing you only have ONE shot to be right.

The prudent thing to do is find out NOW.

The reactionary thing to do is what the global warming folks are doing mostly, and their opponents are doing *slightly* - coming to conclusions about something they can't possibly be certain about.


Fighting like a girl
Midnightrider said:
yeah, but you can't use a 30 year average to prove anything either. If the world is billions of years old, and the temperature has been fluctuating the whole time, 30 years is a statistically insignificant measurement. now add a few zeros to that and we will talk. Besides most people won't argue that the average temps have been going up slightly, it the cause that is in question, man v. natural ebb and flow

As I was typing the 30 years quote I was questioning it myself...but that's what the weather service has determined to be a substantial amount of time to determine an average. 300 data points would be much more accurate than 30 but we work with what we've got.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

truby20 said:
Are we honestly going to play this game? Fine then, every record high of note will be found and posted.

Foolishness like this continues to prove that the general population has a very limited understanding of "climate".


Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I see.

Educate yourself about it.

So, you're calling me an idiot.

Well, you tell me how, on a planet that leaks untold millions of gallons or tons or whatever of toxic gases and oils from the oceans floor and from volcanos on an irregular but never ending basis over millions of years, a place where forest fires burned on this continent for over a century in the past, a place that wiped out plants and animals left and right through numerous dramatic climate changes, a place that has had sand storms last for a year or more, a place that emmits enormous amounts of gases and toxins simply through rotting vegetation and also processes titanic amouints of carbon dioxide through living vegetation, a place that emmits deadly radiation as a natural course, tell me how this earth even knows we're here let alone have the power to affect our climate one little, tiny, itsy, bitsy bit.

Tell me what we do that amouts to squat.


New Member
truby20 said:
Zero, we didn't go above 100 degrees any day this year at any of the offical recording stations.

But we have been above normal (normal being an average of the last 30 years):
June: 1.2 deg above normal
July: 1.3 deg above normal
Aug: 2.7 deg above normal
Sep: 4.5 deg above normal
Oct: 1.6 deg above normal
Nov: 1.5 deg above normal

This is from national airport...
climate data
We had a hot, dry summer this year. Go back summer before last and the one before that. Weren't they cooler?