I agree with 911, cable is the way to go unless you live a block from Verizon's central office. The biggest problem with DSL is the distance factor, as distance increases then the speed decreases, cable isn't bound by any distances. DSL's price is attractive but only if you can get the higher speeds. Since the cable company upgraded the system my modem has been rock solid. Aside from power outages I can't think of a time it's been out. One thing 911 left out is that if you don't already have cable you will need the basic package at 15.55 on top of your internet pricing. Not sure if you get 1/2 off both for 6 mo, I'm pretty sure you do. Also as far as the modem goes GMP offers a rental fee @2.95 now, much cheaper then before and at that price it would take you over a year to pay for one, may be worth the piece of mind of not having to buy one if yours goes bad.
Good luck in your decision...