Go Redskins!!!!!!!!


Go Rams!
Is Los Angeles still interested in an NFL team? If yes, let's send the Deadskins there. I hear shipping rates are cheap this time of year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Troy Aikmen had an interesting comment yesterday during the 9ers/Saints game; he tends to judge an offense based on how good it's third WR is. He was discussing how SF has two guys who have caught TD's and get most of the work, Davis and Boldin, making the point that the 49ers are struggling on offense because they really don't have that third guy to really press better defenses. This in comparison to the Saint's who have Colston, Graham, Meacham, Sproles and a couple of young guys they love.

Point being the Redskins #1, Garcon, used to be Indy's #3, our #2 might be Reed, maybe, and certainly not established if he is and our #3 is...who? Moss has been done. Hankerson is a 3 for anyone good, if that. Morris is not much of a threat for screens.

The Redskins are a two time 4-12 team that added a super talent in Robert but, still, is nothing better than average on O line, less than average on D line, good at LB but our leader is collecting Social Security and, clearly, has lost a step or even two and, in addition to being clearly short of offensive talent, our defensive backs are either on the way out, Merriweather and Hall, or on the way in; insert rookies name here;

Worse yet is the simple fact that RGIII is NOT going to be playing football in 8 years, if that long and it is not because his body can't take the beating. It is because, at the end of the day, he simply is not a very accurate passer.

He missed a bunch of throws, again, yesterday. Made relatively routine throws high or low or behind and over threw long TD's several times.

Nevermind comparing us to clearly good teams that ARE going to the playoffs. Just comparing us to, say, the Eagles, both their lines are better. Especially their O line. Their young QB has time and people to throw to. Foles illustrated that our read option is absolutely nothing special that we hold the patent on. Anyone can do it if you have receiving threats, a decent running game and a QB who can get out of his own way. It's just a gimmick offense. At the end of the day, you use it like a reverse, occasionally, and, if you have Brees or Rivers or Manning or Rogers or Eli or Brady, you never use it.

The Redskins doing nothing special. Last year, a lot of things went right and we even had a chance to make the second round of the playoffs. This year, little is going right. The team plays hard, never quits but, finds ways to lose. There is nothing special about our coaching to fall back on. Our special teams are a liability and we've even turned a solid running game into a losing proposition.

In the meantime, Russel Wilson went to an already solid team as did Kaepernick. Luck is simply better than RGIII and Indy knows how to build a solid team. Newton is better than Robert. Nick Foles is WAY more accurate. Tannehill is solid and Weeden is more likely to still be playing in 2022 than Robert.



Well-Known Member
Griffin is laboring under the impression that he can still get away with the "I'll do it myself" style of play. His arrogance is boundless and inappropriate at this level.

And on a side note, he's also playing with the curse of the Heisman hanging over his head, much like the Sword of Damocles. Can anyone name the last Heisman winner that had an unqualified successful career. I'm looking at the list now and while you may make an argument for 1995(Eddie George), I'm inclined to go all the way back to '88(Barry Sanders).