Go Skins

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So, here we are, 2-2.

Win over Dallas, a clearly better team. We played pretty much flawless and still needed a late call. This is reality, what we are; the Skins, like pretty much ever other NFL team, can compete with anyone but, need to be nearly perfect to win over good teams. One play and we're 0-1

Loss to Houston. Exhibit A in the NFL of what a difference a high quality QB makes. Fantastic half against an up and comer. One play and we're 2-0. Of course, one play against Dallas and we're 0-2.

The Rams. This is reality. Didn't play well. Didn't win against a bad team that just might be on their way to respectability. 1-2. That could be 0-3. Or, a decent showing and 3-0

Eagles. I'm not willing to say that Vick beats us if he plays the whole game. He wasn't having any luck figuring out where to go with the ball and, I'm sorry, if a 30 year old qb running is your offense in the NFL, rent, don't buy. So many plays in this game coulda put them away and yet, we got nothing short of lucky that Avant brain locked on the last play. Coulda been 4-0. Coulda been 0-4. Not much difference.

So, 2-2 is just about right. It would be a good thing if Shanahan can keep the boys focused on how fine the difference is. I actually expect them to play well the next two. Winning them both is no more of a difference, I think, than being 0-4 right now.

Or 4-0.


New Member
:yay::yay: Then they turn around a boo him the first time the Skins had the ball and he ran out on the field.

They weren't boo-ing Mcnabb, they were Boo-ing the Eggle Offensive effort. McNabb is used to it. You heard teh same Boo trhough most of the game, at least until the 3rd quarter. After that, the stands were pretty much empty.


Supper's Ready
This NFC East division is so wide open for the taking. Nobody standing out so far, and three teams in first place, with the Cowboys in a bye (and in second, or last, place). :lol:

I was proud of 'my' Giants D yesterday against the Bears, but still do not feel confident on how they'll progress or not in the NFC east this year, too much uncertainty and inconsistency (and disturbing team/personality/leadership/whatever issues).

As far as the Skins, I thought they played really well against Philly. An early statement with 2 TDs, a good running game, and held them off despite good yardage totals. Penalties and forced fumbles for the Iggles killed them this game.

On to next week... :yay: