

Brenda you are missed!!!
We will see... The truth its my husband thats a die heart fan... Me, if they win they win... It's just a "game".. Hubby's like its more then a game... Hes a freak!!(LOL)


Set Trippin
LovingMother said:
We will see... The truth its my husband thats a die heart fan... Me, if they win they win... It's just a "game".. Hubby's like its more then a game... Hes a freak!!(LOL)
pssst... it's die hard.........hard, not heart...


Nothing to see here
LovingMother said:
COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for this up coming game!!!!! :popcorn:

Oklahoma State is gonna have a down year this year..Doesn't your hubby like pro football?


off the shelf
I can not honestly believe that she is in "Redskin territory" and she's cheering for the the Cowboys....and actually admits it! :faint:


My Sweetest Boy
onebdzee said:
I can not honestly believe that she is in "Redskin territory" and she's cheering for the the Cowboys....and actually admits it! :faint:

People do it for attention. Most of the "Cowboy fans" I've run into have no idea of the history or any details of the Cowboys.


cattitude said:
People do it for attention. Most of the "Cowboy fans" I've run into have no idea of the history or any details of the Cowboys.

:yeahthat: Mostly immature people trying to do it for shock value - they know nothing but just want to be different.



dems4me said:
:yeahthat: Mostly immature people trying to do it for shock value - they know nothing but just want to be different.
It's been my experience that they are cowturd fans until the Skins are winning and they are losing that they then become Skins fans. Lke last year when we kicked their butts twice! Then when we are :popcorn: in the playoffs they start pulling for the Skins. Jags kick some A$$!


dems4me said:
:yeahthat: Mostly immature people trying to do it for shock value - they know nothing but just want to be different.

:killingme: As if they arn't childish enough I got red from a cowboy fan for that post :killingme:


New Member
beg yer pardon

cattitude said:
People do it for attention. Most of the "Cowboy fans" I've run into have no idea of the history or any details of the Cowboys.

I'll have you know I have been a Cowboys Fan for over 40 years. I have never placed any other team above my team. I wear my Cowboys Hard hat every day at work. When i am off work i am usually wearing some form of Cowboys tee shirt or clothing. I never hang my head in shame, win or lose. I often (lately) shake it in bewilderment and disgust, but never hang it down.I constantly harass redskins fans about their team as often as I am harrassed, and more often than not, I give ANY NFL Team due respect if they are playing hard and doing good. I actually told a co worker last year That I thought the Steelers were going to go all the way because they played with intensity and consistency. I, like many of you Skins fans, hope and pray for the Rivalry to truly be reborn. I don't care which team ends up winning, as long as it is a good hard fought game that comes down to the last minute of the game, and you're on the edge of your seat, because you truly hope your team will pull it out at the end.
I look forward to our 2 seasonal games, because I will take the crap for losing as well as give it out for winning. I have actually seen Roger staubach play in person, I nearly cried twice when they fired Tom landry, and when he accepted induction into the Cowboys Ring of Honor, because he said he was doing it for the fans sake, not his own.
I know quite a bit about the Cowboys history as well as our history of playing the Redskins. So please don't categorize the faithful in with your assesment of the wagon jumpers. Take the newly annointed fans for what they are. Fans looking to find a team they can actually root for over time with some consistency. Thats what I take with each game i watch. I hope for a victory, and I hope for a victory next week if we lose. But I have never given up on my team, and I will never give up on my team.
I hope as Skins fans, you feel the same way.
So take it in stride as i also say...

HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:elaine: :elaine: :elaine: :elaine: :elaine:


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
patrick2k1 said:
I'll have you know I have been a Cowboys Fan for over 40 years. I have never placed any other team above my team.

I envy you for your dedication but I was Cowboys fan for what it seemed forever. I really liked the Oilers (no one ever stops talking about the team) and was SO upset when the franchise left. None the less - I remained faithful to my team...

Then the Texans came to town. Brand new team... No players know just as much for crimes as their NFL records... so I made a decision...I would always support the 'Boys because they are a Texas team....but that was where I drew the line.

It just got hard for me to not hang my head in shame... especially when ever another player got themselves in trouble with the law... there were just too many black marks... besides...the team was never the same since Landry...imo. Anyways... here I am.. a Texans fan...and side supporter of the 'Boys.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
TexasPride77 said:
I envy you for your dedication but I was Cowboys fan for what it seemed forever. I really liked the Oilers (no one ever stops talking about the team) and was SO upset when the franchise left. None the less - I remained faithful to my team...

Then the Texans came to town. Brand new team... No players know just as much for crimes as their NFL records... so I made a decision...I would always support the 'Boys because they are a Texas team....but that was where I drew the line.

It just got hard for me to not hang my head in shame... especially when ever another player got themselves in trouble with the law... there were just too many black marks... besides...the team was never the same since Landry...imo. Anyways... here I am.. a Texans fan...and side supporter of the 'Boys.
Oh your one of thoses two faced fans. :lol:
I was always a fan of the Oilers, then Bud Adams and his horrible hair moved the team. During that interm I had no favorite team, I would never ever swtch allegiance to the Cowboys. I ended up cheering for teams that played Dallas, like Green Bay and sometimes the Skins.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
Oh your one of thoses two faced fans. :lol:
I was always a fan of the Oilers, then Bud Adams and his horrible hair moved the team. During that interm I had no favorite team, I would never ever swtch allegiance to the Cowboys. I ended up cheering for teams that played Dallas, like Green Bay and sometimes the Skins.
The Houston Oilers used to hold their training camp in my old home town, San Angelo.(Angelo State Univ) They were often rude and inconsiderate, and expected everyone to treat them like some kind of gods. Most Business owners dreaded them coming in to hang out as they usually drove good business away.
I'm glad they have a new team, but I hope they have new codes of conduct to go with it.
Why is there a reflection of a window in your logo? I thought I was going nuts at first. :jameo:


:lmao: I can only laugh because I'm a Skins fan and my man is a Cowboys fan. It's funny when people see us in our jerseys, holding hands, because we always hear, "It must be fun at your house during game day". :lmao: I remember when we were first dating and I found out he was a Cowboys fan... I had to rethink the relationship, talk it over with my Mom (also a die hard Skins fan), and my Mom said, "your Step-Father is a Cowboys fan and we are still madly in love and living happily ever after". That is when I knew it was okay to be with somebody who roots for the wrong team. And we live happily ever after... Except when he tells the story about how I took him to his first Skins vs. Cowboys game and they kicked our asses.... That day didn't end so well. :ohwell:

P.S. - The Man says: If the Cowboys are not loved in DC, then why are there more Cowboys jerseys worn at FedEx then Redskins?

I think the Man needs to get his own somd.com username.