I have a goat question now -- I have a female goat that is about 5 years old and bleats all the time really, really loudly and the neighbors are starting to complain and I'm not zoned for goats. Is there anything I can do to (well... shut her up)??? What's wrong with her? I'm almost at the point where I'd be willing to sell her for meet (she's 300+lbs) nubian and pygmy mix. Any suggestions? I've even considered trying to put a muzzle on her... unfortunately the only way I can quite her is to keep running out and throwing bread at her, but she apparently makes noise when I'm at work and can't help her. She's not hungry towards the end of the loaf and continues to keep bleating. Someone mentioned that she may be in season -- but if thats the case then she has been in season for the past 3 years every day or something???? Any suggestions??? Anyone want a pet goat???