God bless gay pride...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...CNN just showed a group of people doing a parade in a dry part of NO.

It's called 'Southern Decadence', apparently, and has been going on for 30 some years. The people interviewed said 'hey, life goes on...we wanna get the spirit of the citiy going again!'

People who had stayed at home were throwing beads and stuff. A cop stopped them and asked that they be careful. There had actually been a meeting because the parade has a permit and they didn't expect it to be held. Cop said 'go for it, have fun!'.

Everyone was all smiles and they had a placard 'life goes ojn', playing drums and guitars, being goofy.

Way to go gay people!


Larry Gude said:
Everyone was all smiles and they had a placard 'life goes on', playing drums and guitars, being goofy.

Way to go gay people!


These people have no compassion!

But what kind of sympathy can you expect from people who've never had to experience the discrimination from...

Wait - nevermind.


Football addict
I think this is a great thing they're doing right after the hurricane. They'll have the place tidy, flamboyant, and decorated in no time.:yay:


wandering aimlessly
Does anyone think there may be trouble between these two groups? The entitled waiting for help folks and the hey we're just here for the party crowd?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...CNN just showed a group of people doing a parade in a dry part of NO.

It's called 'Southern Decadence', apparently, and has been going on for 30 some years. The people interviewed said 'hey, life goes on...we wanna get the spirit of the citiy going again!'

People who had stayed at home were throwing beads and stuff. A cop stopped them and asked that they be careful. There had actually been a meeting because the parade has a permit and they didn't expect it to be held. Cop said 'go for it, have fun!'.

Everyone was all smiles and they had a placard 'life goes ojn', playing drums and guitars, being goofy.

Way to go gay people!
:yay: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. :smile:

I visited NO around Labor Day, not knowing ANYTHING about this festival. Strolling down one of the streets in the French Quarter, we ran smack dab into their parade. It was an interesting experience to say the least, but I had a blast. They were friendly and upbeat, and it was definitely a good experience. I especially loved the "grand dame" drag queens decked out to the nines in their horse-drawn carriages.

I also learned there is a part of the French Quarter considered "gay" and stumbled into a few shops and restaurants catering almost exclusively to them before figuring it out. It was eye-opening, that's for sure. :lol:


Well-Known Member
People in this world are going...

insane. Never mind. But will say this, how about they get their hands dirty and get to work helping save some lives OR get busy cleaning the place up. *sigh*


PHILADELPHIA - Just days before "Southern Decadence", an annual homosexual celebration attracting tens of thousands of people to the French Quarters section of New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina destroys the city.

"Southern Decadence" has a history of filling the French Quarters section of the city with drunken homosexuals engaging in sex acts in the public streets and bars. Last year, a local pastor sent video footage of sex acts being performed in front of police to the mayor, city council, and the media. City officials simply ignored the footage and continued to welcome and praise the weeklong celebration as being an "exciting event". However, Hurricane Katrina has put an end to the annual celebration of sin.



Well-Known Member
I did search for "Southern Decadence", that link appeared. Now before you killer bees come out and say that I'm judging them, WRONG, atleast not until I read what they are all about, in dancing naked and having sex in the damn streets! And you folks being okay with this kind of behavior is...is...hell, was going to say surprising, but I guess it is not.. not in todays world, its anything goes!

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
And you don't think this same stuff happens during Mardi Gras between heterosexuals? :confused: It isn't confined to Mardi Gras, either. Believe me, it EARNED the name of "Sin City."


New Member
jazz lady said:
And you don't think this same stuff happens during Mardi Gras between heterosexuals? :confused: It isn't confined to Mardi Gras, either. Believe me, it EARNED the name of "Sin City."



Well-Known Member
jazz lady said:
And you don't think this same stuff happens during Mardi Gras between heterosexuals? :confused: It isn't confined to Mardi Gras, either. Believe me, it EARNED the name of "Sin City."

Keep it in the bedroom no matter what you are!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Homesick said:
insane. Never mind. But will say this, how about they get their hands dirty and get to work helping save some lives OR get busy cleaning the place up. *sigh*

...that didn't take long. The President, the Sec State and all gay people, everyone is to stop what they are doing and...and...and???

And what? Get in the way? Fly a helicopter? Become doctors overnight?

Where does this mindset come from? There is only so many buckets in a bucket brigade. There is only so much that CAN be done. Where does it stand that everything that can be done isn't being done and that anyone who is doing ANYTHING but some undefined rescue job is doing wrong?


Methodically disorganized
jazz lady said:
It isn't confined to Mardi Gras, either. Believe me, it EARNED the name of "Sin City."
The French influence is alive and well! :frenchflag:


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...that didn't take long. The President, the Sec State and all gay people, everyone is to stop what they are doing and...and...and???

And what? Get in the way? Fly a helicopter? Become doctors overnight?

Where does this mindset come from? There is only so many buckets in a bucket brigade. There is only so much that CAN be done. Where does it stand that everything that can be done isn't being done and that anyone who is doing ANYTHING but some undefined rescue job is doing wrong?

*Waving white flag* I surrender. Do not feel like going where this is going. I know you people are alright with this stuff. Have it your way. They can let it ALL HANG OUT while DEAD bodies are floating down the streets! I just think its a little to soon to be celebrating with the smell of death in the air!
Homesick said:
*Waving white flag* I surrender. Do not feel like going where this is going. I know you people are alright with this stuff. Have it your way. They can let it ALL HANG OUT while DEAD bodies are floating down the streets! I just think its a little to soon to be celebrating with the smell of death in the air!
I agree with ya Homesick. Lets clean up the mess, stand back up, then start a party.


Methodically disorganized
Homesick said:
I just think its a little to soon to be celebrating with the smell of death in the air!
I get ya... I wouldn't want to be there. (Not mentioning that I would not want to be there in normal times either...) I would think revelers would at least want to be in an area with power and without the toxic cesspool. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When tragedy strikes, I don't think people should go fetal and suck their thumb for any length of time. I think they should try to maintain as much normalcy as possible and go on with their lives. I applaud the gay dudes for doing their parade as usual and saying to hell with the crybabies.

Now, I don't know anything about this parade other than what I've seen in the news. And I don't care. It's tradition and if it perks them up and keeps their spirits high, I think it's terrific. Much better than watching the human waste on TV keening and wailing because Big Daddy Government hasn't come to take care of them yet.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
When tragedy strikes, I don't think people should go fetal and suck their thumb for any length of time. I think they should try to maintain as much normalcy as possible and go on with their lives. I applaud the gay dudes for doing their parade as usual and saying to hell with the crybabies.

Now, I don't know anything about this parade other than what I've seen in the news. And I don't care. It's tradition and if it perks them up and keeps their spirits high, I think it's terrific. Much better than watching the human waste on TV keening and wailing because Big Daddy Government hasn't come to take care of them yet.