God Made You Fit


New Member
God has already made you fit, being made complete to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints. It’s not something we must wait for. Not something we must strive for. Not something that will have our fingerprints on it in anyway whatsoever. Our fitness for our heavenly inheritance is an inheritance that waits every believer. It has already been accomplished for us according to the Apostle Paul, it’s a done deal. The fitness was accomplished by someone else not by you. It was accomplished by Jesus, there is nothing further you need do to become fit for your inheritance. It’s a past tense transaction. God has already delivered us from the power of darkness. God has already translated us at the point of our belief, he already sees us seated right along himself as he sees down through the portals of time into time future. God isn’t watching to see if we’re good enough to get there. God isn’t waiting to tally a score of some sort to see if we’ve earned sufficient points to merit this fitness. God has already made us sufficient. Abandoned human view point, adopt divine view point. 

God’s integrity is at stake in doing what he promised he would do. We can have security of mind that we have Jesus’ test score written on our paper in Heaven. Sanctification can also be a source of great comfort and assurance because sanctification like justification is proof positive that once a person takes God at his word concerning the accomplishment of his son, that person remains in a sanctified identity before God forever, performance notwithstanding. We cannot lose by way of our poor performance what we never gained by way of our good performance. God has dealt with that problem of sin and the issue with sanctification is not about sin, but about perfection. Paul told us that sanctification is how God perfected us, made us as equally righteous as God himself. Based upon the fact that we are already sanctified, there is now no condemnation for us.


Well-Known Member
God has already made you fit, being made complete to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints. It’s not something we must wait for. Not something we must strive for. Not something that will have our fingerprints on it in anyway whatsoever. Our fitness for our heavenly inheritance is an inheritance that waits every believer. It has already been accomplished for us according to the Apostle Paul, it’s a done deal. The fitness was accomplished by someone else not by you. It was accomplished by Jesus, there is nothing further you need do to become fit for your inheritance. It’s a past tense transaction. God has already delivered us from the power of darkness. God has already translated us at the point of our belief, he already sees us seated right along himself as he sees down through the portals of time into time future. God isn’t watching to see if we’re good enough to get there. God isn’t waiting to tally a score of some sort to see if we’ve earned sufficient points to merit this fitness. God has already made us sufficient. Abandoned human view point, adopt divine view point. 

God’s integrity is at stake in doing what he promised he would do. We can have security of mind that we have Jesus’ test score written on our paper in Heaven. Sanctification can also be a source of great comfort and assurance because sanctification like justification is proof positive that once a person takes God at his word concerning the accomplishment of his son, that person remains in a sanctified identity before God forever, performance notwithstanding. We cannot lose by way of our poor performance what we never gained by way of our good performance. God has dealt with that problem of sin and the issue with sanctification is not about sin, but about perfection. Paul told us that sanctification is how God perfected us, made us as equally righteous as God himself. Based upon the fact that we are already sanctified, there is now no condemnation for us.

Yeah... no...
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New Member

Is it a difficult choice? Curtain #1 - Satan is backstage arranging all the health, wealth, and prosperity that you could possibly stand during the time of your earthly existence. Here today, gone tomorrow, then face the second death. The stern punishment awaiting the enemies of righteousness, whose temporary resurrection results only in a return to death and its punishment, their full and final defeat. The wicked will be resurrected mortal in order to receive their punishment which will result in their ultimate annihilation. 

Or Curtain #2 - God has prepared a heavenly habitation for the saints of this dispensation, your citizenship is in heaven. God in his infinite wisdom pre-decreed that every believer would be joined to his son, fully identified with his son. God also pre-decided that you the believer would be blessed with all the blessings and privileges of an adopted adult son. God decided in advance that you the believer are to be the praise of the glory of his grace. God has more in store for his grace age saints, not only heaven, but an authoritative position, a joint place of authority in the heavenly realm. God already has it all set up, but you will not see it lest you choose it. Choose a Curtain, #1 or #2


Well-Known Member
Is it a difficult choice? Curtain #1 - Satan is backstage arranging all the health, wealth, and prosperity that you could possibly stand during the time of your earthly existence. Here today, gone tomorrow, then face the second death. The stern punishment awaiting the enemies of righteousness, whose temporary resurrection results only in a return to death and its punishment, their full and final defeat. The wicked will be resurrected mortal in order to receive their punishment which will result in their ultimate annihilation. 

Or Curtain #2 - God has prepared a heavenly habitation for the saints of this dispensation, your citizenship is in heaven. God in his infinite wisdom pre-decreed that every believer would be joined to his son, fully identified with his son. God also pre-decided that you the believer would be blessed with all the blessings and privileges of an adopted adult son. God decided in advance that you the believer are to be the praise of the glory of his grace. God has more in store for his grace age saints, not only heaven, but an authoritative position, a joint place of authority in the heavenly realm. God already has it all set up, but you will not see it lest you choose it. Choose a Curtain, #1 or #2

So, you're saying if I want to hit the gym, I'm going to hell?


New Member
So, you're saying if I want to hit the gym, I'm going to hell?

Then go to the churches and find out for yourself what you have to do to get God to say YES or NO. But be aware, there’s insecurity in those messages. These are the doctrines we’re tossed to and fro by as we hear those things and fail to understand the good news of reconciliation. Wow! What good news the world could hear. Someone has paid their sin debt already. The decision was made before you were ever born. What wonderful news! Now, not everyone is going to be in Heaven because God reconciled the world unto himself, we know that. The Bible clearly teaches that you have to accept that gift. Love doesn’t force itself. God is equally as much love as he is just. So, he doesn’t force that on anyone. He offers it freely to the world, but he did indeed accomplished it for the world through his son. The issue is no longer sin, the issue is: what well you do with what the son accomplished where your sin debt is concerned.


Well-Known Member
Then go to the churches and find out for yourself what you have to do to get God to say YES or NO. But be aware, there’s insecurity in those messages. These are the doctrines we’re tossed to and fro by as we hear those things and fail to understand the good news of reconciliation. Wow! What good news the world could hear. Someone has paid their sin debt already. The decision was made before you were ever born. What wonderful news! Now, not everyone is going to be in Heaven because God reconciled the world unto himself, we know that. The Bible clearly teaches that you have to accept that gift. Love doesn’t force itself. God is equally as much love as he is just. So, he doesn’t force that on anyone. He offers it freely to the world, but he did indeed accomplished it for the world through his son. The issue is no longer sin, the issue is: what well you do with what the son accomplished where your sin debt is concerned.

I'm talking about going to the gym, not church...

Do you even lift, bro?


New Member
I'm talking about going to the gym, not church...

Do you even lift, bro?

This will be the issue at the Great White Throne Judgment. People will be standing there not clothed in the Savior’s righteousness because they’ve rejected what Jesus accomplished where their sin debt is concerned. They’ll be standing there in their own righteousness and that righteousness is the righteousness Paul said, I don’t want to be found in that. I won’t measure up. Nobody’s righteousness will measure up. You say, well, there are a lot of good people out there. Yes, from an earthly perspective, certainly they are good, but not when their earthly goodness is measured beside God’s perfect righteousness. It doesn’t cut it. We might think of them as good and they would be good relatively speaking; good citizens, good neighbors, good people from a relative standpoint, but from God’s standpoint, they do not measure up to who he is. And so therefore, we have the dilemma of the human race. Just as religion did not save the Israelites during the time of the law contract, religion could not save the Gentiles during that time either; just as it cannot save Israelite or Gentile today. Religion is an equally inadequate self-defense plea today for people to make as it was in Paul’s day. And we’re not even under the law program today according to Paul, we’re under grace.


Well-Known Member
This will be the issue at the Great White Throne Judgment. People will be standing there not clothed in the Savior’s righteousness because they’ve rejected what Jesus accomplished where their sin debt is concerned. They’ll be standing there in their own righteousness and that righteousness is the righteousness Paul said, I don’t want to be found in that. I won’t measure up. Nobody’s righteousness will measure up. You say, well, there are a lot of good people out there. Yes, from an earthly perspective, certainly they are good, but not when their earthly goodness is measured beside God’s perfect righteousness. It doesn’t cut it. We might think of them as good and they would be good relatively speaking; good citizens, good neighbors, good people from a relative standpoint, but from God’s standpoint, they do not measure up to who he is. And so therefore, we have the dilemma of the human race. Just as religion did not save the Israelites during the time of the law contract, religion could not save the Gentiles during that time either; just as it cannot save Israelite or Gentile today. Religion is an equally inadequate self-defense plea today for people to make as it was in Paul’s day. And we’re not even under the law program today according to Paul, we’re under grace.

What about leg day? I hate leg day. I swear an awful lot during leg day...


New Member
What about leg day? I hate leg day. I swear an awful lot during leg day...

Leg day, a swearing event indeed, but God has already done his part in the reconciliation by not imputing any of humanity’s trespasses to their account. The slate is clean as far as God is concerned. There are no longer barriers between them and God, his son has died for them because God supremely loves them. A true reconciliation can only be a success when both parties agree to forgive and forget; when complete harmony exists between both; when both of them become real friends. What remains is for the human race on their own part to be reconciled to God. God has already forgiven them their trespasses and forgotten their sins through what the death of his son accomplished.


Well-Known Member
Leg day, a swearing event indeed, but God has already done his part in the reconciliation by not imputing any of humanity’s trespasses to their account. The slate is clean as far as God is concerned. There are no longer barriers between them and God, his son has died for them because God supremely loves them. A true reconciliation can only be a success when both parties agree to forgive and forget; when complete harmony exists between both; when both of them become real friends. What remains is for the human race on their own part to be reconciled to God. God has already forgiven them their trespasses and forgotten their sins through what the death of his son accomplished.

Show me the whey...


New Member

Romans is great grain for the brian. Romans 7:23, Paul’s revealing a wonderful truth here. Every believer should understand and appreciate the truth Paul’s presenting to us here. Realizing the entrapment of the flesh and therefore the wretchedness of the flesh this side of the redemption of our bodies, helps us realize the direction which true righteousness comes. Does it come from our doing or abstaining? Not according to Paul. The battle within him proved to him that absolute impossibility of performance based righteousness. Performance based righteousness worthy of meriting heaven, Paul was locked up away from it. He was in captivity to that which would keep him from it. Paul could never do enough. He always found himself a do short and a don’t late. Religion of course views Romans 7:23 as obstacles to be overcome. What smokey smelling nonsense that is. They would say God simply gave Paul another way to merit his righteousness. He cleaned him up then Paul was able to merit his righteousness from that point on. Listen if you’re reading it that way, your reading it though the spectacles of religion not through the microscope with which Paul viewed his own righteousness.


Well-Known Member
Romans is great grain for the brian. Romans 7:23, Paul’s revealing a wonderful truth here. Every believer should understand and appreciate the truth Paul’s presenting to us here. Realizing the entrapment of the flesh and therefore the wretchedness of the flesh this side of the redemption of our bodies, helps us realize the direction which true righteousness comes. Does it come from our doing or abstaining? Not according to Paul. The battle within him proved to him that absolute impossibility of performance based righteousness. Performance based righteousness worthy of meriting heaven, Paul was locked up away from it. He was in captivity to that which would keep him from it. Paul could never do enough. He always found himself a do short and a don’t late. Religion of course views Romans 7:23 as obstacles to be overcome. What smokey smelling nonsense that is. They would say God simply gave Paul another way to merit his righteousness. He cleaned him up then Paul was able to merit his righteousness from that point on. Listen if you’re reading it that way, your reading it though the spectacles of religion not through the microscope with which Paul viewed his own righteousness.

I like to read Muscle & Fitness and FLEX magazine... they've got some decent workout articles to target certain areas and they have some crafty (maybe it's witchcraft?) ways to make meals.


New Member
I like to read Muscle & Fitness and FLEX magazine... they've got some decent workout articles to target certain areas and they have some crafty (maybe it's witchcraft?) ways to make meals.

As I do my brain-ups, understanding the truth of Galatians 5:17 it’s not something to overcome but it’s a reality to be understood. We’ll never escape. If we are locked into the idea that when it comes to performance based righteousness for a right standing before God, WE WILL NEVER EARN IT! You see, this is not something we could overcome, this is something Jesus had to overcome on our behalf. We need to stop focusing on our fleshly performance and focus on our new identity in the Savior and let God do his work in our life through his power deposited us and God will do it. Since we do not derive our new identity in the Last Adam from the output of our flesh, we don’t owe the flesh a thing. Romans 8:13


Well-Known Member
As I do my brain-ups, understanding the truth of Galatians 5:17 it’s not something to overcome but it’s a reality to be understood. We’ll never escape. If we are locked into the idea that when it comes to performance based righteousness for a right standing before God, WE WILL NEVER EARN IT! You see, this is not something we could overcome, this is something Jesus had to overcome on our behalf. We need to stop focusing on our fleshly performance and focus on our new identity in the Savior and let God do his work in our life through his power deposited us and God will do it. Since we do not derive our new identity in the Last Adam from the output of our flesh, we don’t owe the flesh a thing. Romans 8:13

There's that MIND-MUSCLE connection... I get that...


New Member
There's that MIND-MUSCLE connection... I get that...
The shield of faith doesn’t create reality; the shield of faith responds to reality.

It's a hard work out every day in the gym called our mind, because the enemy can put thoughts into our mind and they will know whether we buy their lie by how we behave. If we are going to resist the enemy, we must do so outwardly so they can understand us and be put to flight. The enemy will invite us to fulfill our physical needs in ways that are outside the boundary of God’s will for us. Whenever we feel enticed to meet a legitimate physical need by acting independently of God, we are being tempted through the lust of the flesh. The lust of the eyes subtly draws us away from God and eats away at our confidence in God. We see what the world has to offer and we begin to place more credence in our own perspective of life. The temptation of the pride of life is intended to destroy our obedience to our ministry of reconciliation by urging us to take charge of our own lives.


Well-Known Member
The shield of faith doesn’t create reality; the shield of faith responds to reality.

It's a hard work out every day in the gym called our mind, because the enemy can put thoughts into our mind and they will know whether we buy their lie by how we behave. If we are going to resist the enemy, we must do so outwardly so they can understand us and be put to flight. The enemy will invite us to fulfill our physical needs in ways that are outside the boundary of God’s will for us. Whenever we feel enticed to meet a legitimate physical need by acting independently of God, we are being tempted through the lust of the flesh. The lust of the eyes subtly draws us away from God and eats away at our confidence in God. We see what the world has to offer and we begin to place more credence in our own perspective of life. The temptation of the pride of life is intended to destroy our obedience to our ministry of reconciliation by urging us to take charge of our own lives.

So, you're saying someone who wants to improve themselves physically are really satanic folk?


New Member
So, you're saying someone who wants to improve themselves physically are really satanic folk?

If the enemy can deceive us into believing a lie, they can control our life in that area. We are saints whom God has declared righteous. Believing the enemies lie will lock us into a defeated, fruitless life, but believing God’s truth about who we are will set us free. It’s imperative to our growth and maturity that we believe God’s truth about who we are. We must learn how to resolve previous conflicts or the emotional baggage will accumulate as we continue to withdraw from life. The past will control our life as our options for handling it continue to decrease. Perceiving those events from the perspective of our new identity which God sealed in the Savior is what starts the process of healing those damaged emotions, because we have the privilege of evaluating our past experience in the light of who we are now as opposed to who we were then. Since their primary weapon is the lie, our belt of truth is continually being attacked. If they can disable us in the area of truth, we become an easy target for their other attacks. We stand firm in the truth by relation everything we do to the truth of God’s word and when we learn to live in the truth on a daily basis, we will grow to love the truth because we will have nothing to hide. It’s not wise for us to live on the enemies level.