Well-Known Member
If the enemy can deceive us into believing a lie, they can control our life in that area. We are saints whom God has declared righteous. Believing the enemies lie will lock us into a defeated, fruitless life, but believing God’s truth about who we are will set us free. It’s imperative to our growth and maturity that we believe God’s truth about who we are. We must learn how to resolve previous conflicts or the emotional baggage will accumulate as we continue to withdraw from life. The past will control our life as our options for handling it continue to decrease. Perceiving those events from the perspective of our new identity which God sealed in the Savior is what starts the process of healing those damaged emotions, because we have the privilege of evaluating our past experience in the light of who we are now as opposed to who we were then. Since their primary weapon is the lie, our belt of truth is continually being attacked. If they can disable us in the area of truth, we become an easy target for their other attacks. We stand firm in the truth by relation everything we do to the truth of God’s word and when we learn to live in the truth on a daily basis, we will grow to love the truth because we will have nothing to hide. It’s not wise for us to live on the enemies level.
That's why I stay above them.