Going away Gift


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
A tip of the cap to your nephew for choosing to Serve.

That family get together is a fine way to send him off with memories of the big reason we put on the uniform.

Madam Blue

New Member
Tell him not to take anything with him that he doesn't absolutely need. That being said he will need absolutely nothing. The Marine Corps will provide him with everything he will need and more. Paris Island is known for its sand fleas. For those who don't know what a Paris Island sand flea is, it is a tiny flying gnat like critter with a bit comparable to that of an alligator. For some reason drill instructors think sand fleas hold some sacred auro so tell your son not to kill them. At least not while the DI's can notice. The only thing one needs to know when entering Marine Corps boot camp is: "Yes Sir, No Sir, and the private doesn't know Sir". Everyting else will be taught. Graduation day will be one of the proudest days of his life for two reasons; first he is entering one the elite services in the world and secondly, he is leaving Paris Island which is one the worst hell holes imagineable.

Second Batallion
Fox Company, Platoon 2023
PMI 1972
ADI 1973-1975

"Semper Fi"


Tell him not to take anything with him that he doesn't absolutely need. That being said he will need absolutely nothing. The Marine Corps will provide him with everything he will need and more. Paris Island is known for its sand fleas. For those who don't know what a Paris Island sand flea is, it is a tiny flying gnat like critter with a bit comparable to that of an alligator. For some reason drill instructors think sand fleas hold some sacred auro so tell your son not to kill them. At least not while the DI's can notice. The only thing one needs to know when entering Marine Corps boot camp is: "Yes Sir, No Sir, and the private doesn't know Sir". Everyting else will be taught. Graduation day will be one of the proudest days of his life for two reasons; first he is entering one the elite services in the world and secondly, he is leaving Paris Island which is one the worst hell holes imagineable.

Second Batallion
Fox Company, Platoon 2023
PMI 1972
ADI 1973-1975

"Semper Fi"

How I miss the sand fleas. Standing at attention, those little bastards would get in your nose, eyes, ears, and you could not do a damn thing about it. Good times. :buddies:
And plan a welcome home greeting. Son's bud's really did it up right. Front of the house was in flood lights with a big banner. I didn't even have a clue. Got a bit teary. Good bunch of guys.


We gave my son a a hug, pat on the back and a handshake when he left.
His friends on the other hand had quite a going away party - I understand.
When he graduated and earned the title: "Marine" - it was a totally different thing. I gave him a few gifts then we had a drink and cigar together! :buddies:

MarineParents.com: A Place to Connect & Share(tm) for Marine Parents Moms Dads Wives Family Members is a great resource for newly minted Marine parents.

Be prepared when you pick up your Marine. You will be unprepared the first time you meet. You will get a chance to go to the MCX and your son will want all sorts of expensive goodies...

YOU will never forget Parris Island and what it does so well.


Active Member
Don't really disagree...

If he's old enough to die for our country then he should be old enough to drink in our country. :ohwell:

..but, the drinking age in Maryland is 21. When he becomes a Marine, I hope that he is duty and Honor bound to obey the law. If he looks at becoming a Marine as an excuse to drink, I would think the trainers at Paris Island have failed in their mission.


I bowl overhand
If they still do things the same way in the USMC..

Get him a pre-paid Visa or MC.. put some money on it, and tell the family they can do the same (try to keep it to one card).

I talked to the Marine Recruiter a lot, and heard some horror stories about finances while in Basic.

This is my understanding, maybe somebody will post if I'm right or not: While in Basic Marines do not get paid, or they do, but their pay is withheld until after Basic.

Their first paychecks are pretty much taken to pay for their uniforms and other required necessities.. so even after Basic they don't have a big pile of money waiting for them. From what I understand (again) is the Marines are the only service that require their marines to pay for their own uniforms, and they're not cheap.


Well-Known Member
..but, the drinking age in Maryland is 21. When he becomes a Marine, I hope that he is duty and Honor bound to obey the law. If he looks at becoming a Marine as an excuse to drink, I would think the trainers at Paris Island have failed in their mission.

Have you ever hung out with a marine, especially one right out of Parris Island? :roflmao:


Active Member
Our Son got pitted one day, and the DS decided to make him to 50 push-ups in the sand box. God forbid should you stop what you are doing, to itch the fleas. He did six years with the USMC, and is now in the Coast Guard going on 13 years! We are so proud!


Have you ever hung out with a marine, especially one right out of Parris Island? :roflmao:

THAT is something you may want to leave to others.

Marines do take care of each other but....it is a riot
watching them get out of Parris Island, slowly decompress, and when they get home, go to a welcome back party. The next day they show up on your doorstep moving slowly and very, very quietly.

We had a bunch go through last fall.
Proud of them and what they represent.



Well-Known Member
Wait until he graduates. As everyone has mentioned, everything gets taken away and locked up upon arrival.

A hundred years ago, when I went to boot camp, everything we had, including our skivvies, was put into a box and shipped home. For most of the time after that, if it wasn't a letter, or edible, it was sh*t-canned. Until the last 2 weeks, we only got to keep what we were issued or purchased at base exchange.


Well-Known Member
Tell him not to take anything with him that he doesn't absolutely need. That being said he will need absolutely nothing. The Marine Corps will provide him with everything he will need and more. Paris Island is known for its sand fleas. For those who don't know what a Paris Island sand flea is, it is a tiny flying gnat like critter with a bit comparable to that of an alligator. For some reason drill instructors think sand fleas hold some sacred auro so tell your son not to kill them. At least not while the DI's can notice. The only thing one needs to know when entering Marine Corps boot camp is: "Yes Sir, No Sir, and the private doesn't know Sir". Everyting else will be taught. Graduation day will be one of the proudest days of his life for two reasons; first he is entering one the elite services in the world and secondly, he is leaving Paris Island which is one the worst hell holes imagineable.

Second Batallion
Fox Company, Platoon 2023
PMI 1972
ADI 1973-1975

"Semper Fi"

Still don't know how to spell "Parris," after all these years. Tsk, tsk.

Parris Island has always been a hellhole, but it's a picnic compared to the experience these guys went through at Lejune:

Home Page

Montford Point Marine Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Recruiting for the "Montford Marines" began on June 1, 1942. Thousands of African-American men, eager to serve, flocked to recruiting offices. The first black recruits received basic training at the segregated Camp Montford Point in Jacksonville, North Carolina. The quota of 1,200 men were housed in prefabricated huts. Racism continued in the Marines Corps after the issuance of Executive Order 9981, reflecting that in the society. Railroad tracks divided white residents from the camp for African-American troops, and the black recruits were not allowed to enter the main base of nearby Camp Lejeune unless accompanied by a white Marine. By 1945, all drill instructors and many NCOs at Montford Point were African Americans."


Resident PIA
Money in the form of a pre-paid credit card.
As a recruit he won't be paid much.
I say credit card because it can be used for things like phone cals and I think it's safer than cash.