the campus card will be fine. consider switching to the same bank so you can transfer money in a second online in case of emergency. Credit cards are just a bad idea. they don't build up your credit like a lot of people think and even the most responsible person can get into trouble. Nearly every emergency can be handled by someone at school or a quick transfer of money online.
The only time I really needed money off campus was to buy gas or booze
I recommend the meal plan for the first year, no matter what the housing situation. it will give her time to adjust and figure out life with a little safety night. too many kids living on ramen after spending all their money. (even if it just an abbreviated one)
I am sure you know what kinds of things to get her..but a pop up hamper or laundry bag works best, fabric softener sheets ( not for laundry, for putting int he vents to get rid of the dorm stink) a shower tote ( even if an apartment, nothing worse than your roomate using all of your shampoo when you need to wash your hair) a good laptop, (netflix account will get you points with your roomate) lots of family pictures, shell need to contact her roomate/s about who has a tv, full length mirror, dvd player, fridge, etc. and if it's an apartment they may be tempted to "share" the costs of food, tp, cleaning supplies etc..and maybe its a lesson everyone needs to learn..but umm..dont. It causes nothing but a good talk about never drinking without a buddy and never letting any of the girls go off with someone alone, and not getting shwasted..and She will do just fine
I didn't go to towson, but I visited a few times. Fun place, alcohol falls like rain, a ton of pot..loads of horny boys...but..all in all a rather fun and safe place to be if you are smart and have good friends.
and she's not far away. so don't worry