Has confinement issues..
I did $5 for the first toof and then weened her off the money thing by the time she realized I was the Toof Fairy.

they are kids.I think the most we have given is 2 bucks but at grandma's house the toothfairy left 5 bucks and some changeSo we had to explain that the toothfairy there is a special one that only visits there.
Ok. The young male prodigy just lost his first tooth. When I was a kid I was lucky to get a buck. What is the going rate for teeth these days?
Sadly enough the going rate is about $5 a tooth.
We gave Princess a Discover card and a cell phone. Wifey called her on it before she was up in the morning and acted like the tooth fairy.
$5.00 you will go broke. Whatever you do for the first tooth you are stuck with. I did a $1.00 and will never do more than that per tooth.
Kiddo got $10 for her first tooth......