Good Bye Old Downtown Lexington Park


New Member
itsbob said:
I liked her.. once ya got past the cess pool smell she was alright!!
Don't you come accross all high n mighty just because you didn't grow up in Great Mills! :howdy:


Football addict
elaine said:
I really don't want to read the local gossip rag, but your post makes perfect sense. It's called progress, and it's not specific to Lexington Park. It happens all over.
My first thoughts.


100% Goapele Head!
elaine said:
I really don't want to read the local gossip rag, but your post makes perfect sense. It's called progress, and it's not specific to Lexington Park. It happens all over.

I am glad they renovated the city, it is the only part of St Mary's that was sexy enough to attract me. I am even more grateful to see the improvements with the new Ross, Old Navy and Best Buy. I see great things a comin' :smile:


New Member
itsbob said:
Farming regulations state that Bullshit piles can be no more then 4 feet 6 inches tall..

This almost went under my radar :roflmao: And thank you for not calling me a pile of B.S. I am taller than that


New Member
itsbob said:
Farming regulations state that Bullshit piles can be no more then 4 feet 6 inches tall..
So what is the farming regulation regarding plain old cowshit, how high can it be piled? Is there any difference? :confused: How do they determine what pile is female or male? :confused: Do they use special markers? :lmao: