Good column on restaurant smoking ban


Super Genius
Bruzilla said:
Once again... the fundamental service of a restaurant is to serve food. The fundamental service of a bar is to serve alcohol. Neither of these have a funamental minimum level of expected service that includes smoking. Therefore, it is the person who comes to eat or drink who should expect the minimum level of service for their dollar, not the smoker.
...but they provide other services as well as food. One of those services is atmosphere which may or may not include the ability to smoke based on the proprieter's preference. If you do not like/cannot tolerate that atmosphere, do not go there. I don't like hundreds of children running, screaming, etc. Therefore, I avoid dining at Chuck E. Cheese. You can even go one step further. If there's a restaurant that you like, but don't like it's smoking policy, tell the manager that (but don't complain about it, just inform). If they get enough feedback wanting the place to be non-smoking, they will change their policy.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
Ya' know what this is going to boil down to in the future? Private clubs. You'll end up having to pay an annual membership fee to eat or drink in any given establishment.
I would gladly pay a membership fee if it meant I didn't ever have to listen to some whiny non-smoker again. Unfortunately bans will include private clubs as well because guessed it...non-smoking employees who want to work and THIS club, not THAT one. :rolleyes:

Then Bruzilla will come along and ##### because he wants to be a member of the club, and wants everyone to not smoke in there because it annoys him.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
I don't like hundreds of children running, screaming, etc. Therefore, I avoid dining at Chuck E. Cheese.
You're not doing it right. You're supposed to demand that they get rid of all the kids because they annoy you. You should be able to enjoy any pizza joint you want without having to deal with the spawn of others. After all, you didn't give birth to them - why should you have to listen to their shrieking?


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
You're not doing it right. You're supposed to demand that they get rid of all the kids because they annoy you. You should be able to enjoy any pizza joint you want without having to deal with the spawn of others. After all, you didn't give birth to them - why should you have to listen to their shrieking?
You're right! They also cause me stress which is bad for my health. I should sue...just like every other whiny bastage out there.


New Member
ylexot said:
Smoking is not an integral part of anything. :ohwell: Restaurant owners are allowed (or should be allowed) to set whatever rules they want in their establishment. If you want to eat there and the restaurant allows smoking, you have to put up with it. If you smoke and the restaurant doesn't allow it, you have to put up with it to eat there. It's simple.

That's what I say. Owner's set there own rules. I don't like smoking where it eat, but I still say it should be the owners choice. It's called freedom of choice. If you don't want to smoke don't patronize the restaurants that do.


vraiblonde said:
By that token, I should also assume that noisy people who insist on yakyakking throughout their meal, annoying me beyond words, should be silenced, right? After all, the fundamental purpose of a restaurant is eating, not talking.

And all televisions should be removed - you're there to eat, not watch TV.


Yes and no. You see, talking (which I would be all for banning yackers and those ultra-loud screechy laughers from anywhere) and watching TV can be easily controlled. For example, if you want a quiet table alone, as many of us do, you can get that. If you don't want to see/hear the TV, you can be seated away from the noise and distraction. But once you puffers blow a load of cig smoke into the air, there's no way you can control where it goes. If it hovered in a vicous dark cloud over the smoking area, I would say "smoke'em if you got 'em." But that's not the case. You can be sitting on the far side of a restaurant and still get clobbered by a cloud of smoke.

Next, any restauraunteer or barkeep who opens his/her door to the public IS NOT the determining authority as to what his/her policies will be. If it is a public establishment, he/she most offer a minimal level of service which is acceptable to the public, i.e., food, drinking, etc. He/she does not need to provide any coutesies to smokers unless they are specifically a smoking establishment, such as a cigar bar. Private clubs are different and can set their own standards.


Super Genius
Bruzilla said:
Next, any restauraunteer or barkeep who opens his/her door to the public IS NOT the determining authority as to what his/her policies will be. If it is a public establishment, he/she most offer a minimal level of service which is acceptable to the public, i.e., food, drinking, etc.
That's funny, I thought the minimal standards were based on laws (i.e. health codes), not public acceptance.


Ok, which smokers would it annoy if I was sitting near them in a resturant and farting these really bad nasty smelly beer farts the whole time?


I don't like people talking while I'm trying to eat.

I don't like other people eating while I'm trying to eat.

I don't like people breathing while I'm trying to eat.


What about MY rights, HUH?

You selfish fcuking people should all just DIE DIE DIE and let me be me while I'm eating!.

Don't don't get me started on you people who have the nerve to bring your whiny screaming children out in public.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
But once you puffers blow a load of cig smoke into the air, there's no way you can control where it goes.
Ah, but you can. See, the smoke will only go where it's blown. So if you don't want to deal with cigarette smoke EAT AT A DIFFERENT RESTAURANT. Smoke gone, end of problem. :dance:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
czygvtwkr said:
Ok, which smokers would it annoy if I was sitting near them in a resturant and farting these really bad nasty smelly beer farts the whole time?
If you want to fart while you eat, you should go to a restaurant that caters to farters, JUST LIKE I GO TO RESTAURANTS THAT CATER TO SMOKERS.


professional daydreamer
Toxick said:
Don't don't get me started on you people who have the nerve to bring your whiny screaming children out in public.

Oh, you mean the sweet little things with the snot encrusted faces that throw food all over the restaurant, then crap in their diapers so you can smell it at the next table? Then mommy takes the little angel into the bathroom and flops it down on the counter and smears crap all over the place? You mean those little angels?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Hey Vrai...

vraiblonde said:
If you want to fart while you eat, you should go to a restaurant that caters to farters, JUST LIKE I GO TO RESTAURANTS THAT CATER TO SMOKERS.

We're going to that smoking restaurant tonight. To bad you aren't here to join us. :puff: