good divorce lawyer


J.F. A sus ordenes!
I am assuming you both are not on good terms? I got divorced in 1992 and legal drew up the paperwork. Cost me $50 in fees and we were done. Of course that was then and this is now so just give her half and be done with it!!! LOL :lmao:


J.F. A sus ordenes!
crabcake said:
What goes TDY stays TDY. What more do you need to know? :shrug:

That statement should be embossed on every single set of orders and be treated as law punishable by hanging from the short hairs!!!!! :lmao:


New Member
i called base legal and they instantly referred me to lawyer in town who seems too busy to do good job. will try base again. thanks.


Lobster Land
Granted this was 30 years ago and at the time we were overseas, but the base legal office did draw up separation papers on us. The terms in those papers were no different than divorce papers. We went out separate ways and when I found another I wanted to marry I simply took those separation papers to a local lawyer and the divorce was granted with no problems. Can't say things still work that way now but maybe something to look into. That separation was with no malice from either of us which may have helped also.


But wait, there's more...
oldman said:
Granted this was 30 years ago and at the time we were overseas, but the base legal office did draw up separation papers on us. The terms in those papers were no different than divorce papers. We went out separate ways and when I found another I wanted to marry I simply took those separation papers to a local lawyer and the divorce was granted with no problems. Can't say things still work that way now but maybe something to look into. That separation was with no malice from either of us which may have helped also.

:lol: No, that's not how things work today. Military legal offices pretty much steer clear of domestic issues unless they're prosecuting you for them.


Lobster Land
crabcake said:
:lol: No, that's not how things work today. Military legal offices pretty much steer clear of domestic issues unless they're prosecuting you for them.

Sorry. Guess it's just another example of what was and what is.