Some others worth mentioning...
Some that I have enjoyed...
1. 28 Days later
2. Any 'of the living dead' flick
3. Who could forget 'Jaws' (the original of course)
4. Alien (the original, although the second is good it's more of an action flick)
5. Invasion of the body snatchers (B&W original)
6. War of the worlds (50's version)
7. Frankenstien (B&W original) very unique for it's time
8. Poltergeist
9. Cabin Fever (corny at times but exceptionally different)
10. High Tension
11. Friday the 13th up til part three
12. A nightmare on elms street up til part two
13. Halloween up til part three
14. The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre
15. John Carpenter's The Thing

16. The Shining (original)
17. Evil Dead series (comedic horror)
18. Cube
19. Signs
20. The Blob (1998) A bit 80's cheesy
21. Cats Eye

22. Psycho (the original, very good for its time)
23. Ted Bundy
24. The Birds (dry and drawn out at first but it does have memorable scenes)
25. Blair Witch Project
26. Wrong Turn
27. The exorcist
28. Carrie
29. Stir of Echoes
30. Tales from the crypt presents Demon Knight
31. House on haunted hill
32. They Live
33. Pet Semetary
I'm sure I'll think of more...