Good Lord...


New Member
Maybe she's just taking a break!! She'll do it again, just at her own pace :)

Good luck on finding a sippy she'll drink from :)


Well-Known Member
nicole_moreland said:
Barncat - Try the Nuby's. They are like $1 @ WalMart. They have a soft, nipple-like spout that will really help her drink from a sippy.

Good Luck!!!
My daughter absolutely refuses to drink from the Nuby's. She will drink from the Playtex sometimes, but prefers the Gerber. I thought the Nuby's would be good because they resemble a bottle more, but forget it! I finally gave up and threw them all in the garbage. The kids at daycare all drink from the Nuby or the playtex cup and she never trys to steal them, she knows which one is hers and is very protective of it!


New Member
SoMDGirl42 said:
My daughter absolutely refuses to drink from the Nuby's. She will drink from the Playtex sometimes, but prefers the Gerber. I thought the Nuby's would be good because they resemble a bottle more, but forget it! I finally gave up and threw them all in the garbage. The kids at daycare all drink from the Nuby or the playtex cup and she never trys to steal them, she knows which one is hers and is very protective of it!

That's cute! Maybe it was too bottle like for her....

I switched the twins from bottle to sippy using the Nuby's. They did really well. Now they don't care what kind of cup they drink from. I am in the process of getting rid of sippy's as well. Trying to let them drink more from regular plastic cups, but they are DEFINITELY still learning :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Good Lord... 03-14-2007 01:44 PM I am sure your baby is a sweety (Red)

Okay, I've been getting rude green. But, now I am getting nice red. WTF?


Well-Known Member
Dear Karma Giver,
It is rude karma like yours that makes me even happier that I am in Florida away from jackasses like you.

P.S. It is one thing to be mean. But wishing bad things on an innocent child is just plain common.


Well-Known Member
sockgirl77 said:
Miss Piglet can down a 9oz. bottle in 2.2 seconds. :lmao:
:howdy: From a fellow Piglet


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I fed my children when they were hungry. What's the big deal here? They fuss, and they want food. Give it to them. (same with on demand breast feeding)

A bottle? That was given when they wanted one. Meal time is a scheduled event, and eventually the bottle went away. It's not rocket science. :jameo:

Sometimes they would guzzle it down, and other times they would take a few sucks, and throw the bottle. I would just put it back in the refrigerator and give it to them the next time. They are both alive and thriving.

SG, you've been around for a long time, and know how some people can be. Don't post it if you don't want the negative along with the positive.

Give Miss Piggy a BIG :huggy: for me.