Good news!


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Economy Grows at Fastest Pace Since 1984

I hate to say :neener: but.....

The critics are already saying the numbers are bogus....I can't believe the crap flung these days.

I also just watched NBC news. They did a wonderful story on a deserter from the Army who came back for R&R and happend to trip and fall across the border to Canada and can't seem to find his way back........poor guy.


I hope the numbers are right. I want to find a better paying job.


Not dead yet.
Hmmmm. Reagan gets a big tax cut put through in '82 and the economy rebounds BIG TIME. W gets a series of tax cuts put through in 91 and 92, it's just about time for the economy to take off again!

I wonder if we'll get some new techno boost like the internet and personal computing helped last time? Maybe this time we'll invent some cool new energy technology. That'd be neat. Time will tell.

Originally posted by tlatchaw
Hmmmm. Reagan gets a big tax cut put through in '82 and the economy rebounds BIG TIME. W gets a series of tax cuts put through in 91 and 92, it's just about time for the economy
That would have been quite a trick, seeing as how he wasn't President in '91 and '92.


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by huntr1
That would have been quite a trick, seeing as how he wasn't President in '91 and '92.

Or maybe that 91 and 92 were 11 & 12 years ago! I think it was a typo Huntr.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by huntr1
That would have been quite a trick, seeing as how he wasn't President in '91 and '92.

Doh! Late nights and accurate postings sometimes don't mix. You're right. I meant '01 and '02 for W's tax cuts. Pardon my duh.:blushing:


Not dead yet.
Of course, those trying to spin this for their political gain will be the first to forget that employment is always the last economic indicator to turn around!


Well-Known Member
It's bull. Joblessness lags behind recessions for about 18 months to two years. The last time the unemployment rate was where it is now, Clinton had been in office two years. He had the luck to arrive in office 18 months after the previous recession ended.

Next year around November everything will be back to "normal". In classic politician style Bush will be able to claim credit for what is pretty much a regular business cycle. From the data I've seen, about the only credit I can give Bush is, the economy did not get as bad as it probably would have, without him.


Yes, unemployment does lag behind the other numbers, but you also have to take into account that automation and international business is taking a toll bigtime now. Who needs an office full of accounting people when one person with Quicken on a PC will do? Who needs a roomfull of Americans providing customer service when you can get a room full of Indians to do it for 1/4 the cost? Between NAFTA, taxes, and environmental regulations, most of the jobs that have been lost in the US were found in other countries. Try to find an auto part that's still made in the USA... most are made in Mexico now.

We saw a lot of heavy manufacturing jobs lost to robotics in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, and now we're seeing more and more office jobs lost to automation.


Enjoying life!
Someone can have my job. I'm gonna ride the next economic boon into independent wealth!!


Sorry about that chief.
I should have figured there were so many economic specialists here along with all the political experts.:dance:

I agree with Steve, however I have another option Powerball!


I'm not an economic expert, just a guy who's seen half of his workforce vanish since 2000 due to new software that reduces the need to have as many people. I also work on my car, and haven't seen a US-made part come across the counter at the parts store in about two years.