Good points by Mr. Maher


Football addict
I'm Lovin It
This just in: there’s still nothing healthy at McDonalds. Turns out some of Ronald's new healthy-looking salads contain more fat than his cheeseburgers. And just when I was beginning to trust him!

Look, I’m firmly against taxing fast food. Your fat ass is your fault. And I don’t understand all this Atkins and South Beach Diet crap. A diet book should have two pages in it: “Page 1 – Eat right. Page 2 – Exercise. Acknowledgements: My common sense.” But I’m also a firm believer that it’s time that we, as a nation, reduced McDonald’s to one of those run-down scary-looking franchises in a bad neighborhood that you would never even think of going into. Like Popeye’s Chicken.

Second story.


Pennant Racist
Marge Schott is dead at 75. The controversial former owner of the Reds got her last wish: she was carried to her final resting place by six black men, each of whom was tipped a quarter. Some will choose to remember this special lady for her sense of humor, like when she called Dave Parker her “million dollar ******”. Others will recall her unique view of history, such as when she said “Hitler was good at the beginning, but he went too far.”-- presumably a reference to Moscow. As for me, I choose to remember Mrs. Schott when she was at her happiest: buying, selling, and trading black men as the owner of a baseball team. Marge Schott: Thanks to the Civil Rights Act, we’ll not see her kind again.

Third story.:dance:

There's a War On
President Bush now describes himself as a “war president,” which means he’s come a long way from being a “post-grad pussy” in the Vietnam War era. But he is a war president. And I’m not just talking about the war in Afghanistan or Iraq or the war against Columbian foliage. I’m talking about the Culture War. With the Mel Gibson movie, the gay marriage debate, and Howard Stern getting yanked from stations because of indecency, the culture war is so on. And that’s just how Karl Rove wants it, because nothing gets white people to the polls like fear. In fact, the right wing is so fired up about Jews and gays and the potty mouth they’ve almost forgotten who the real enemy is – brown people. I just hope President Bush has learned an important lesson from Iraq about jumping the gun: before you land on a carrier and declare the “mission accomplished,” make sure hostilities truly have ended and America is a functioning theocracy.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Isn't Bill Maher the moron...

...who got in trouble for lipping off at what cowards we were for shooting cruise missiles at Osama back in Clintons day?

Answer: Yes.

Maher should be happy we got us some real man war going on now, right?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
No, I agree - I don't have any problem with the fracas that got Maher booted off the air. What he said was right. You don't win the war on terror by underestimating your enemy, and they're not cowardly. They're dangerous.

I've also read his book "When You Ride Alone, You Ride with Bin Laden". Pretty good. And I'm fairly conservative.

But it is also important to remember - HE'S A **COMEDIAN**. Ok? He's on the TV to get laughs. If his main job was political analysis, he'd do the Sunday morning circuit of shows and write political columns in papers. A guy who mixes up jokes about the war with jokes about fat people can't be taken seriously.


Not dead yet.

Bill Maher is an a-hole!

This is the same idiot that degraded the mentally disabled by saying that they "are basically like dogs." He has no sense of human dignity and frankly is not that funny.

I believe he's not on network TV anymore as much because his ratings sucked (after the novelty of his show wore off) as because of any assinine position he may have spouted.

BM is a good initial for this guy. 'nuff said.



b*tch rocket

Originally posted by tlatchaw
and frankly is not that funny.


Or it could just be that he creeps me out to no end. He reminds me of a guy I went to school with who was a chronic "self fondler" :shocking:.


This Space for Rent
Re: Re: IMHO

Originally posted by Christy

Or it could just be that he creeps me out to no end. He reminds me of a guy I went to school with who was a chronic "self fondler" :shocking:.

Oh no! As I read that I was fondling myself.



Football addict
Originally posted by SamSpade
No, I agree - I don't have any problem with the fracas that got Maher booted off the air. What he said was right. You don't win the war on terror by underestimating your enemy, and they're not cowardly. They're dangerous.

I've also read his book "When You Ride Alone, You Ride with Bin Laden". Pretty good. And I'm fairly conservative.

But it is also important to remember - HE'S A **COMEDIAN**. Ok? He's on the TV to get laughs. If his main job was political analysis, he'd do the Sunday morning circuit of shows and write political columns in papers. A guy who mixes up jokes about the war with jokes about fat people can't be taken seriously.

I was thinking about buying this book Sam. What topics of discussion does he bring up in his book other than the war with Iraq?:confused:


Football addict

Originally posted by tlatchaw
Bill Maher is an a-hole!

This is the same idiot that degraded the mentally disabled by saying that they "are basically like dogs." He has no sense of human dignity and frankly is not that funny.

I believe he's not on network TV anymore as much because his ratings sucked (after the novelty of his show wore off) as because of any assinine position he may have spouted.

BM is a good initial for this guy. 'nuff said.


Does'nt sound like his rating sucked to me.:shrug:

"Bill Maher, in 1993, created the perfect forum for his quick-witted comedic talents - "Politically Incorrect." On Comedy Central, Maher had brought together some of the most interesting politicans, entertainers, and journalists to participate in some of the most controversial, topical and comical discussions. Winners of four CableACE Awards combined, Maher and his program have grown in popularity year to year, eventually catching the attention in 1997 of ABC and capturing the post-"Nightline" time slot. "Politically Incorrect" celebrated it's fifth anniversary on ABC in January 2002 and was nominated for an Emmy Award in 2001 for "Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series."

Maher, inspired by the show's success, assembled some of "PI's" most memorable highlights in his book, Does Anybody Have a Problem With That? Politically Incorrect's Greatest Hits. In it, Maher brings us his tongue-in-cheek commentaries on such modest proposals as putting warning labels on the Bible, why we should have drunk driving lanes, and his regular "Get Over Yourself Award," given to such notables as Newt Gingrich, Santa Claus, and the O.J. Simpson defense team. He also offers a collection of some of the funniest and most insightful thoughts of "PI's" panelists, including Ben Affleck, Marilyn Manson, Ann Richards, Pamela Anderson, Oliver Stone, Ron Howard, Arianna Huffington, and Janeane Garofalo.

Maher's credits include five HBO specials, including the critically acclaimed "Bill Maher: Be More Cynical." He has made many appearances on "Late Night with David Letterman" and "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," where he also served as guest correspondent. Maher has participated in the tours of a number of comics throughout the United States."


Re: Re: IMHO

Originally posted by BuddyLee
Does'nt sound like his rating sucked to me.:shrug:

"Bill Maher, in 1993, created the perfect forum for his quick-witted comedic talents - "Politically Incorrect." On Comedy Central, Maher had brought together some of the most interesting politicans, entertainers, and journalists to participate in some of the most controversial, topical and comical discussions. Winners of four CableACE Awards combined, Maher and his program have grown in popularity year to year, eventually catching the attention in 1997 of ABC and capturing the post-"Nightline" time slot. "Politically Incorrect" celebrated it's fifth anniversary on ABC in January 2002 and was nominated for an Emmy Award in 2001 for "Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series."

Maher, inspired by the show's success, assembled some of "PI's" most memorable highlights in his book, Does Anybody Have a Problem With That? Politically Incorrect's Greatest Hits. In it, Maher brings us his tongue-in-cheek commentaries on such modest proposals as putting warning labels on the Bible, why we should have drunk driving lanes, and his regular "Get Over Yourself Award," given to such notables as Newt Gingrich, Santa Claus, and the O.J. Simpson defense team. He also offers a collection of some of the funniest and most insightful thoughts of "PI's" panelists, including Ben Affleck, Marilyn Manson, Ann Richards, Pamela Anderson, Oliver Stone, Ron Howard, Arianna Huffington, and Janeane Garofalo.

Maher's credits include five HBO specials, including the critically acclaimed "Bill Maher: Be More Cynical." He has made many appearances on "Late Night with David Letterman" and "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," where he also served as guest correspondent. Maher has participated in the tours of a number of comics throughout the United States."
Sounds like a press release by ABC. It is not often that they put out one that says, "This show is mediocre"



Originally posted by tlatchaw
Bill Maher is an a-hole!

This is the same idiot that degraded the mentally disabled by saying that they "are basically like dogs." He has no sense of human dignity and frankly is not that funny.

I believe he's not on network TV anymore as much because his ratings sucked (after the novelty of his show wore off) as because of any assinine position he may have spouted.

BM is a good initial for this guy. 'nuff said.


I agree... wasn't he the one that called Bin Ladin and the hijackers brave and us wimps... :shrug::confused:


Not dead yet.
Re: Re: IMHO

Originally posted by BuddyLee
Does'nt sound like his rating sucked to me.:shrug:

"Bill Maher, in 1993, created the perfect forum for his quick-witted comedic talents - "Politically Incorrect." On Comedy Central, Maher had brought together some of the most interesting politicans, entertainers, and journalists to participate in some of the most controversial, topical and comical discussions. Winners of four CableACE Awards combined, Maher and his program have grown in popularity year to year, eventually catching the attention in 1997 of ABC and capturing the post-"Nightline" time slot. "Politically Incorrect" celebrated it's fifth anniversary on ABC in January 2002 and was nominated for an Emmy Award in 2001 for "Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series."

Maher, inspired by the show's success, assembled some of "PI's" most memorable highlights in his book, Does Anybody Have a Problem With That? Politically Incorrect's Greatest Hits. In it, Maher brings us his tongue-in-cheek commentaries on such modest proposals as putting warning labels on the Bible, why we should have drunk driving lanes, and his regular "Get Over Yourself Award," given to such notables as Newt Gingrich, Santa Claus, and the O.J. Simpson defense team. He also offers a collection of some of the funniest and most insightful thoughts of "PI's" panelists, including Ben Affleck, Marilyn Manson, Ann Richards, Pamela Anderson, Oliver Stone, Ron Howard, Arianna Huffington, and Janeane Garofalo.

Maher's credits include five HBO specials, including the critically acclaimed "Bill Maher: Be More Cynical." He has made many appearances on "Late Night with David Letterman" and "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," where he also served as guest correspondent. Maher has participated in the tours of a number of comics throughout the United States."

Right, his ratings on HBO and as a guest on the Tonight Show and Late Night weren't bad, but when he tried to go main stream he couldn't hack it. So he tried getting increasingly bold by saying stupid things to get publicity until he finally went too far with management. They decided that whatever flagging ratings he pulled down weren't enough to put up with BM's BS.


Football addict
Re: Re: Re: IMHO

Originally posted by tlatchaw
Right, his ratings on HBO and as a guest on the Tonight Show and Late Night weren't bad, but when he tried to go main stream he couldn't hack it. So he tried getting increasingly bold by saying stupid things to get publicity until he finally went too far with management. They decided that whatever flagging ratings he pulled down weren't enough to put up with BM's BS.

Is this why he has a hit prime time show oh HBO now?:confused:


Football addict

Originally posted by tlatchaw
Bill Maher is an a-hole!

This is the same idiot that degraded the mentally disabled by saying that they "are basically like dogs." He has no sense of human dignity and frankly is not that funny.

I believe he's not on network TV anymore as much because his ratings sucked (after the novelty of his show wore off) as because of any assinine position he may have spouted.

BM is a good initial for this guy. 'nuff said.


I must agree with you on the first point.

Here's a good link.:wink:


Football addict
Re: Re: Re: IMHO

Originally posted by Pete
Sounds like a press release by ABC. It is not often that they put out one that says, "This show is mediocre"

Looks like facts and accomplishments to me peppered with good praise to make him look better of course.


Football addict
Re: Re: Re: Re: IMHO

Originally posted by dems4me
Is that kind of like what Clinton really meant when he said he didn't have sexual relations with Monica Lewinski before the media portrayed it??:shrug:
