Good points by Mr. Maher



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: IMHO

Originally posted by Pete
It is not exactly a strong argument that his words were correct.

Are we almost agreeing on something... quick... break out the calendars!!!! :yikes: I'm feeling queasy....

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I read the text a long time ago when this all happened.

My beef with Bill is he is NOT politically incorrect. What he should have said that night was 'Bill Clinton is a wimp, a wandering, compass-less pussy who is making the world more dangerous with his indecisive fumbling about".

But no, Bill saved all that and got called on his comments because he tried to point the finger at the great 'us' as oppossed to those responsible.

Now, of course, because he is simply another liberal hack in the Micheal Moore 'all Republicans are bad' vein, he points a very direct finger at Bush. He has suddenly found clarity yes?

Maher was a chicken #### then. His show was a joke. He would bring all manner of liberal freaks on, 2,3 and 4 at a time and ONE conservative and sometimes NONE and help the libs gang up on the conservative.

How ground breaking.


Football addict
Re: Buddy...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...I read the text a long time ago when this all happened.

My beef with Bill is he is NOT politically incorrect. What he should have said that night was 'Bill Clinton is a wimp, a wandering, compass-less pussy who is making the world more dangerous with his indecisive fumbling about".

But no, Bill saved all that and got called on his comments because he tried to point the finger at the great 'us' as oppossed to those responsible.

I think he meant Bill Clinton. He meant Bill Clinton and everyone else in this nation. We elect our officials and if they are pussies than that is everyones problem because we elected these officials and we are therefore pussies ourselves. If we have a pussy representing us then it is no ones fault but our own.

Sometimes Bill is an ignoramous with a statement here and there but one thing that I like about him is that he is not afraid to speak up when everyone else turns the other cheek.

Good point though Larry.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're dancing around the point...'re presuming he meant Clinton when he got in trouble. He is CLEARLY attacking Bush now.

Had he been so specific 5 odd whatever years ago, we'd agree about Maher speaking his mind.

As it is, he is a lib flack trying to rebuild a career HIS chicken mouth messed up.


Sorry about that chief.
Maher is a liberal leaning comedian, yes. Dennis Miller is a newly converted conservative leaning comedian. Does it make either of their points any less valid because they are comics, or liberal, or conservative? NO, I enjoy them more, and am more driven to thought on issues by a good political comic than by the stuffed shirts like Stephanopolis or O'Reilly, who purport themselves as experts on everything from defense to foreign policy to economics to supreme court rulings.

Comics present the point in a different light and force you to examine it in a manner different than you have in the past. The stuffed shirts tell you what to think, they leave an audience no room to fill in the blanks, good comics do.

I seem to have heard of some guy called Will Rogers who was a comic yet had wry, observant witticisms. Were his points less valid because he was a comic, or a country liberal?

Hating Maher because he is a liberal is lame.


Football addict
Originally posted by jlabsher
Maher is a liberal leaning comedian, yes. Dennis Miller is a newly converted conservative leaning comedian. Does it make either of their points any less valid because they are comics, or liberal, or conservative? NO, I enjoy them more, and am more driven to thought on issues by a good political comic than by the stuffed shirts like Stephanopolis or O'Reilly, who purport themselves as experts on everything from defense to foreign policy to economics to supreme court rulings.

Comics present the point in a different light and force you to examine it in a manner different than you have in the past. The stuffed shirts tell you what to think, they leave an audience no room to fill in the blanks, good comics do.

I seem to have heard of some guy called Will Rogers who was a comic yet had wry, observant witticisms. Were his points less valid because he was a comic, or a country liberal?

Hating Maher because he is a liberal is lame.

:clap: :yeahthat:


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by jlabsher

Hating Maher because he is a liberal is lame.

You're right. I don't hate him because he's a liberal. I don't really HATE him at all. I do however think he's an a-hole that doesn't merit me wasting my time listening to whatever he has to say. I guess I'm not alone, because his network TV program fell flat and he has had a hard time getting any traction ever since.

He's over and done with. Send in the next public figure we can shred! :biggrin:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by jlabsher
Maher is a liberal leaning comedian, yes. Dennis Miller is a newly converted conservative leaning comedian.

If it's any consolation jlab, I don't think Dennis Miller is funny either. :shrug:


b*tch rocket
Now George Carlin, he was funny. Unfortunately, (IMHO), he's lost his sense of humor and is now painful to watch. He's just bitter and angry in his old age.


Originally posted by Christy
Now George Carlin, he was funny. Unfortunately, (IMHO), he's lost his sense of humor and is now painful to watch. He's just bitter and angry in his old age.

I agree, he used to be hillarious... I just don't know what happened to him. I remember getting one of his standups and thinking this is going to be hillarious... and I was very disappointed. I like Wanda Sykes personally, I think she's the funniest thing going right now. :cheesy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Carlin is doing fine...

Unfortunately, (IMHO), he's lost his sense of humor and is now painful to watch

He took issue with Sterns cry baby routine pointing out that Stern signed on for the big time to push product, not to be a standup with no sponsors who stands or falls on their own merits.

Stern got bit buy the dog he lies with and George called him on it.

The guy is still a perceptive genius and most everyone OWES him bigtime. His mentor was Bruce but I think Goerge is the King.



Football addict
Originally posted by tlatchaw
You're right. I don't hate him because he's a liberal. I don't really HATE him at all. I do however think he's an a-hole that doesn't merit me wasting my time listening to whatever he has to say. I guess I'm not alone, because his network TV program fell flat and he has had a hard time getting any traction ever since.

He's over and done with. Send in the next public figure we can shred! :biggrin:

Why does he have a hit prime time show on HBO:shrug:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by BuddyLee
Why does he have a hit prime time show on HBO:shrug:

Just because it's on HBO doesn't mean it's a "hit" there dingus. :lol: Like any channel it has it's good shows and not so good shows. There is always a few who will watch and like any not so good show. His show doesn't get anywhere near the rave reviews of, oh let's say "The Sopranos" or "Sex in the City". It's like saying "Becker" is a hit prime time show because it's on the same channel as CSI. :duh:


Football addict
Originally posted by Christy
Just because it's on HBO doesn't mean it's a "hit" there dingus. :lol: Like any channel it has it's good shows and not so good shows. There is always a few who will watch and like any not so good show. His show doesn't get anywhere near the rave reviews of, oh let's say "The Sopranos" or "Sex in the City". It's like saying "Becker" is a hit prime time show because it's on the same channel as CSI. :duh:

Why 3 seasons and talks about many more.:shrug: