Goodbye to One and All!


Get some!
Mikeinsmd said:
Did I see you type "learn to spell" in another post?? :duh: :killingme
I dont think so I could give a rats a#$ about any grammar or spelling on this forum. I grew up with a mom who was an english teacher. I was entirely too proper for a long time. I am old enough now I dont really care. This a forum, not a spelling bee. I type fast and don't proof. Who has that much time :lmao:
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New Member
FrmGrl said:
I dont think so I could give a rats a#$ about any grammar or spelling on this forum. I grew up with a mom who was an english teacher. I was entirely too proper for a long time. I am old enough now I dont really care. This a forum, not a spelling bee. I type fast and don't proof. Who has that much time :lmao:
So what's this feud about? I don't read the horsey threads (unless they're patting themselves on the back for finishing 6th).


New Member
MMDad said:
Dr. Phil: What did she do to make you :slam:?

WD: She said my horsie is fat, stupid, and slow!

DR. Phil: Well is it?

WD: Yes, but that's beside the point!

Maybe the horsie is sensitive about his weight... :jameo:


Active Member
Kain99 said:
It's a true shame that the horsey people have built this horrible reputation. I wonder how they would feel, if they could see themselves on Dr. Phil.
There are alot of "horsey people" who know when it's time to get down off thier "high horse" before they FALL off. :lmao:
Those who don't, well, need to "GET OVER IT"! :smack:
There is too much to celebrate in life than worry about who is better than who! :coffee:
Besides, I truly believe, "what goes around, comes around" :whistle:
And it will. :popcorn:

Nanny Pam

Winn Dixie said:
We can't say it hasn't been real but it's time to go to greener pastures. :howdy: To everyone else, enjoy Shady's company and don't say we didn't warn you. :whistle: We've decided to stop posting because we can't keep falling in the gutter to speak with Shady and, obviously, she'll never get out of it! :lmao: Shady, just so you'll know, we are not who you think we are but unfortunately, you can't get over your problems with her. :smack: She had nothing to do with the WD's but we do applaud what she has done with her life! :flowers: Goodbye to one and all. We will miss many of you, i.e. Paso, SoMdRocks, Fredsaid2, etc. Take care. :howdy:


New Member
Kain99 said:
It's a true shame that the horsey people have built this horrible reputation. I wonder how they would feel, if they could see themselves on Dr. Phil.

no according to showqueen they are going to be on Oprah! :killingme

showqueen74 said:
So, I don't get it Sadie, you say "you haven't moved yet" but you have "no problems with the person that I thing is WD"
You also say "I am sure you will be looking for some more free advertising." Have I missed this? Reading you and WD go back and forth has been like the dialog out of some low rate soap oprah, I've missed the advertising!?
I'll admit that I have no clue who WD is, or even if I know them. And I hate to bust your chops (if I have) but some of these things you said don't make sense. V&F


Rocky Mountain High!!
Winn Dixie said:
We can't say it hasn't been real but it's time to go to greener pastures. :howdy: To everyone else, enjoy Shady's company and don't say we didn't warn you. :whistle: We've decided to stop posting because we can't keep falling in the gutter to speak with Shady and, obviously, she'll never get out of it! :lmao: Shady, just so you'll know, we are not who you think we are but unfortunately, you can't get over your problems with her. :smack: She had nothing to do with the WD's but we do applaud what she has done with her life! :flowers: Goodbye to one and all. We will miss many of you, i.e. Paso, SoMdRocks, Fredsaid2, etc. Take care. :howdy:
:bawl: another list i didn't make....


Rocky Mountain High!!
Sadielady said:
:huggy: It is okay. You can be stuck here with me.
thanks :huggy:
i feel like a mushroom...i don't think i met anyone yesterday, we got to the ride a bit late after getting a call from a fellow with stray horses in his yard, and chasing someone else's horses horses from across Rt 235 again yesterday morning before we could even begin to load our own up. Luckily all was well again.

We DID make a special effort to sit away from trailers to socialize, but we got back later than you folks who didn't hang around. :frown:

GORGEOUS ride though....