MGK, thanks for the excellent analysis of the situation, and for taking the time to inform us Republicans of what's going on in the enemy's camp.
And I thought the RNC was messed up.
As for Karenna Gore, I wouldn't believe her if she said the sun was going to rise in the morning. Gore's official statement, again delivered only after he started taking heat, was that he had tried to reach Lieberman before going on stage and that he hadn't been able to get through. My point is that Gore's known he was going to do this long before walking on stage in Harlem. You would think he would have called Lieberman days before the event to let him know what was coming so he could prepare for the deludge. My money would be on some of Gore's advisors telling him that the statement would have more impact if it were a surprise, and that telling Lieberman ahead of time would run the risk of a leak or having Lieberman say something negative about Gore before the announcement was made.
I'm hearing a lot of Democrats saying that Gore is planning on challenging Hillary in 2008, and this is just the first step of his campaign. He may be out of office now, but...

As for Karenna Gore, I wouldn't believe her if she said the sun was going to rise in the morning. Gore's official statement, again delivered only after he started taking heat, was that he had tried to reach Lieberman before going on stage and that he hadn't been able to get through. My point is that Gore's known he was going to do this long before walking on stage in Harlem. You would think he would have called Lieberman days before the event to let him know what was coming so he could prepare for the deludge. My money would be on some of Gore's advisors telling him that the statement would have more impact if it were a surprise, and that telling Lieberman ahead of time would run the risk of a leak or having Lieberman say something negative about Gore before the announcement was made.
I'm hearing a lot of Democrats saying that Gore is planning on challenging Hillary in 2008, and this is just the first step of his campaign. He may be out of office now, but...