Government To Confiscate One Person’s Guns


PREMO Member
I voted for Barack Obama. Twice. During his 2008 presidential campaign, my two daughters, partner, and I ate every meal in our house on Obama placemats. We bought these at our local supermarket, plastic-coated, plate-sized paper rectangles with an image of his face framed by colors of the flag. While politically minded, I am not overly patriotic, so this mealtime ritual of American allegiance was odd for me. Still, we looked at the image of his face each day and we believed that he really could be the change in America.


Still, I did not waver. I dug into our old dining room cupboards, and found our worn but resilient Obama placements. I dusted them off, and once again, my family and I ate all of our meals looking at his image. In his presidency, we still imagined a country on the edge of change.


seeing Obama Visage every meal, would put me off the feed bag
wow that is a really disturbing Cult of Personality

Firearm possession should be banned in America; President Obama can orchestrate this directive. His presidency can be remembered as a remarkable turn in United States history where a progressive leader forever changed the landscape under which we live and work. This is his legacy. To establish gun control laws in America that will reduce high levels of male violence and usher in a culture of peace and civility.

Barack Obama is the president of the United States. He can change the country. He can do it today. I believe in him.

Obama can do it .... well so much for that pesky thing called a Bill of Rights
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Lem Putt
There should be a satire section of the forum and all satire articles should be banned from all other sections, as an attempt to post them as REAL news.

If you are that gullible maybe you need to stay away from the interwebs.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have an amusing mental picture of certain forumites (and you know who you are) getting all excited - "Yes! YES!! I knew if I waited long enough someone somewhere would have their legal gun confiscated! I told you! I told you! The apocalypse is finally here!!! :yahoo:"



my war
I have an amusing mental picture of certain forumites (and you know who you are) getting all excited - "Yes! YES!! I knew if I waited long enough someone somewhere would have their legal gun confiscated! I told you! I told you! The apocalypse is finally here!!! :yahoo:"




#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I have an amusing mental picture of certain forumites (and you know who you are) getting all excited - "Yes! YES!! I knew if I waited long enough someone somewhere would have their legal gun confiscated! I told you! I told you! The apocalypse is finally here!!! :yahoo:"


Who does not immediately recognize an Onion article??


Well-Known Member
There should be a satire section of the forum and all satire articles should be banned from all other sections, as an attempt to post them as REAL news.

That would put the boy and salvadore out of business......


Unto dust we shall return
Jesus Tap-dancing Kee-rist. It's an Onion article. Get a grip people.

It's not uncle Gilly making chit up about his imaginary Facehook friends.


Or you could have your satireometer recalibrated. :huggy:

For those that are looking for serious news in the news section, I was hoping to reduce the clutter. The only thing I may need recalibrating is my unpreparedness that so much :bs: would come out of this.
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my war
For those that are looking for serious news in the news section, I was hoping to reduce the clutter. The only thing I may need recalibrating is my unpreparedness that so much :bs: would come out of this.

Good Lord, Dude. Do you want me to go Premo so I can delete it? I mean, it's either that or I can get a binky for you.


Good Lord, Dude. Do you want me to go Premo so I can delete it? I mean, it's either that or I can get a binky for you.

This is what I love about this place... I made a simple comment, and everyone goes off on whether folks know about The Onion or not. I don't give one dump in the latrine what you do with the thread; just keep posting your nonsense if it lifts you up. From where you're at, it's a long way up. This is the sort of juvenile blather that just mucks things up in my opinion. People that have nothing else to do... propagate false stories because it gives you a cheap thrill. And others that have nothing more to do than disparage others because they may not know about satire sites. I happen to think we have a lot to discuss that's wrong in this country than to be wasting time with bull#### stories.

Or better yet... what is the real point in posting this crap in the news section? It's a phony story. It's meant to mislead people that probably won't know any better. Do you find it funny to post stories that's purposely untrue; a cheap thrill up your leg knowing you might dupe someone into believing it, just so you and others can dump all over them for not knowing about The Onion?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's meant to mislead people that probably won't know any better.

Mock. The word you're looking for is mock. As in, "It's meant to mock people that probably won't know any better."

You all who got jacked up because you thought this was a true story, consider yourselves mocked. Form an orderly line and turn in your voter registration card immediately.