Supper's Ready
American Crow: 2
Eastern Bluebird: 1
White Throated Sparrow: 4
Dark Eyed Junco: 7
Common Grackle: 6
Red Winged blackbird: 4 (travelling with the grackles)
House Sparrow: 2
Northern Cardinal: 3
Blue Jay: 3
White Breasted Nuthatch: 2
Downy Woodpecker: 2
Red Bellied Woodpecker: 2
American Goldfinch: 3
Hooded Merganser: 3 (out back of Lowe's in the stormwater pond)
Mourning Dove: 2
Carolina Chickadee: 3
Tufted Titmouse: 3
Eastern Towhee: 1 (saw the male and female separately, but since you can only count them as two if you see them together)
European Starling: 3
Carolina Wren: 1
What the heck is a hooded merganser? I was going to look it up then thought, no. I'm lazy. I'd have counted the towhees as two, just 'cause.
Here are the tallies for Maryland (you can gets all kinds of details on this page).
Great Backyard Bird Count: 2009 Results: Maryland