Great Editorial


Sorry I don't mean to kick a dead (excuse the pun) horse but this said it all for me. Her husband was a real scumbag and the whole story should have been told. Oh and this is my first thread/post on here, hi everyone.

Terri Schiavo Dead;
She Should Have Been Treated Like a Stray Dog
Nearly two weeks without water or nourishment finally killed her...they didn't have the guts to put a .38 in her head like would take place with a deer struck by a car but still alive....this woman was breathing and her heart was beating on her own, she was simply inconvenient...disabled people across America, the lame, the old, the inconvenient ought to watch out as the rule of the politically correct now will take your life if they find it "appropriate" or have sudden "memories" of what your "wishes" were should you become unable to speak for yourself. Have your wishes reduced to writing and file them with a court so they cannot be disposed of by your family. Remember, today's spouse is tomorrow's decision maker, even if your spouse is living with someone else and has several children with that person. If the decision is made, people will be starved to death while we provide for painless injections for ruthless murderers. And they carried out this harsh sentence for a helpless woman at a "Hospice" when the truly humane thing to would to have carried Terri Schiavo off to the nearest animal shelter and given her an injection like we do to stray dogs. Planning a donation to a Hospice? Forget it, give the money to the Humane Society were dogs are treated better than people are treated at your local hospice.
Is this a great country...or what?


New Member
Beaky said:
Sorry I don't mean to kick a dead (excuse the pun) horse but this said it all for me. Her husband was a real scumbag and the whole story should have been told. Oh and this is my first thread/post on here, hi everyone.

Terri Schiavo Dead;
She Should Have Been Treated Like a Stray Dog
Nearly two weeks without water or nourishment finally killed her...they didn't have the guts to put a .38 in her head like would take place with a deer struck by a car but still alive....this woman was breathing and her heart was beating on her own, she was simply inconvenient...disabled people across America, the lame, the old, the inconvenient ought to watch out as the rule of the politically correct now will take your life if they find it "appropriate" or have sudden "memories" of what your "wishes" were should you become unable to speak for yourself. Have your wishes reduced to writing and file them with a court so they cannot be disposed of by your family. Remember, today's spouse is tomorrow's decision maker, even if your spouse is living with someone else and has several children with that person. If the decision is made, people will be starved to death while we provide for painless injections for ruthless murderers. And they carried out this harsh sentence for a helpless woman at a "Hospice" when the truly humane thing to would to have carried Terri Schiavo off to the nearest animal shelter and given her an injection like we do to stray dogs. Planning a donation to a Hospice? Forget it, give the money to the Humane Society were dogs are treated better than people are treated at your local hospice.
Is this a great country...or what?
Mrs. Pessagno would never sign off on this.


I bowl overhand
Beaky said:
Sorry I don't mean to kick a dead (excuse the pun) horse but this said it all for me. Her husband was a real scumbag and the whole story should have been told. Oh and this is my first thread/post on here, hi everyone.

Terri Schiavo Dead;
She Should Have Been Treated Like a Stray Dog
Nearly two weeks without water or nourishment finally killed her...they didn't have the guts to put a .38 in her head like would take place with a deer struck by a car but still alive....this woman was breathing and her heart was beating on her own, she was simply inconvenient...disabled people across America, the lame, the old, the inconvenient ought to watch out as the rule of the politically correct now will take your life if they find it "appropriate" or have sudden "memories" of what your "wishes" were should you become unable to speak for yourself. Have your wishes reduced to writing and file them with a court so they cannot be disposed of by your family. Remember, today's spouse is tomorrow's decision maker, even if your spouse is living with someone else and has several children with that person. If the decision is made, people will be starved to death while we provide for painless injections for ruthless murderers. And they carried out this harsh sentence for a helpless woman at a "Hospice" when the truly humane thing to would to have carried Terri Schiavo off to the nearest animal shelter and given her an injection like we do to stray dogs. Planning a donation to a Hospice? Forget it, give the money to the Humane Society were dogs are treated better than people are treated at your local hospice.
Is this a great country...or what?
Apparently the writer, and you if you if you agree with him, know nothing about hospice, and don't have a friggin clue what you are talking about. Hospice workers are hero's in the greatest of sense. They don't make medical decisions, they don't euthanize anyone, they just try to alleviate the pain and suffering from EVERYONE involved. They are there to support the family that is left behind, they are there to support the dying when there is nobody else there to hold their hand, to comfort them. They spend countless hours at the bedside of dying strangers whom they've only met after they started the dying process. Their goal is that nobody dies alone, and they die comfortable and with dignity, a very noble goal indeed in these times of me me me.

I give them all the credit in the world, they are doing a job that I could never do.

I donate money to the local hospice every year, and will continue to support them by doing so. I hope you have the ability to research what hospice REALLY is and don't take the word of the uninformed idiot that wrote this drivel. You too will probably decide that hospice IS a worthy cause for your support!
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New Member
Beaky said:
Sorry I don't mean to kick a dead (excuse the pun) horse but this said it all for me. Her husband was a real scumbag and the whole story should have been told. Oh and this is my first thread/post on here, hi everyone.
One thing you should know about public posting is provide back up if you are going to offer an opinion that assaults someone's character. You call her husband a "scumbag" without stating why.

So why has he gone through all of this?? Some may see him as someone who stood up for his wifes wishes and fought for them through thick and thin. He gained nothing from this entire ordeal. If he had of inherited a huge sum of money, then maybe there's cause to look deeper, but he came away with nothing. He supports the autopsy so he'll most likely be cleared of the unprooven accusations that he beat her. In fact, Dr's have already ruled out that he beat her.

Sounds more like your problem is with the way she had to die than who decided for her. I believe there is a better way to kill someone rather than letting them starve for 15 days.

By the way, what is the whole story? I believe only the families can answer that.

P.S. There are no "great" editorials that ever came from SMT.
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Asperger's Poster Child
Good karma for you, Itsbob! Did you see protestors carrying signs that equated Michael Schiavo with O.J.? That's a clear lack of perspective.


professional daydreamer
Beaky said:
Sorry I don't mean to kick a dead (excuse the pun) horse but this said it all for me. Her husband was a real scumbag and the whole story should have been told. Oh and this is my first thread/post on here, hi everyone.

Well, you're off to a bad start. Ken Rosignol is not liked by most of us. Speaking for myself, I think anyone who would quote him and say "this said it all for me", isn't any smarter than he is.

I disagree that her husband was a scumbag. Maybe you should try putting yourself in his shoes...and while you're at it, do a little reasearch instead of allowing yourself to be spoon fed by the media and rumors.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
StMarysToday said:
Planning a donation to a Hospice? Forget it, give the money to the Humane Society were dogs are treated better than people are treated at your local hospice.
Hospice workers and volunteers are the saints of the medical world and Ken Rossignol had no call to say something like that.

Saying Terri Schiavo was "disabled" is like saying Haystacks Calhoun was a little chubby. And they didn't STARVE her, they took her off her life support. Want proof that it was really life support? Then take a look at what happened when they removed her tube.

Fundie extremists and nutballs act like this woman was chained up in a dungeon watching her guards wolf down a Big Mac while she suffered. That's NOT what happened. Terri Schiavo wasn't even aware of food or hunger or thirst - the part of her brain that recognizes those things was dead. She didn't die hungry because there was no cortex to relay the sensation of hunger or thirst. Some people need to bone up on their biology before they start running off at the mouth.

That editorial is idiotic but he does make a good point here:
Remember, today's spouse is tomorrow's decision maker, even if your spouse is living with someone else and has several children with that person.


Asperger's Poster Child
I had never heard of Haystacks Calhoun.

Here's his picture:


  • haystacks.jpg
    24.5 KB · Views: 104


How sad, you think Mr. Scum, who has been seeing other women and stated in court when suing the doctors that he needed the money to take care of Terry for as long as she would live, didn't have a conflick of interest. He didn't care about her and said so to some of the other women he was seeing. He wasn't a dedicated husband taking care of Terry, check it out for yourselfs don't take my word for it.


professional daydreamer
Beaky said:
How sad, you think Mr. Scum, who has been seeing other women and stated in court when suing the doctors that he needed the money to take care of Terry for as long as she would live, didn't have a conflick of interest. He didn't care about her and said so to some of the other women he was seeing. He wasn't a dedicated husband taking care of Terry, check it out for yourselfs don't take my word for it.

Please back up your statements.


itsbob said:
Apparently the writer, and you if you if you agree with him, know nothing about hospice, and don't have a friggin clue what you are talking about. Hospice workers are hero's in the greatest of sense. They don't make medical decisions, they don't euthanize anyone, they just try to alleviate the pain and suffering from EVERYONE involved. They are there to support the family that is left behind, they are there to support the dying when there is nobody else there to hold their hand, to comfort them. They spend countless hours at the bedside of dying strangers whom they've only met after they started the dying process. Their goal is that nobody dies alone, and they die comfortable and with dignity, a very noble goal indeed in these times of me me me.

I give them all the credit in the world, they are doing a job that I could never do.

I donate money to the local hospice every year, and will continue to support them by doing so. I hope you have the ability to research what hospice REALLY is and don't take the word of the uninformed idiot that wrote this drivel. You too will probably decide that hospice IS a worthy cause for your support!

Very good post Bob. :yay:

I read the article this morning and considered posting it, but at this point, I am getting tired of reading and discussing the issue, and I think we should let her and the issue rest in peace. :ohwell:


New Member
Beaky said:
How sad, you think Mr. Scum, who has been seeing other women and stated in court when suing the doctors that he needed the money to take care of Terry for as long as she would live, didn't have a conflick of interest. He didn't care about her and said so to some of the other women he was seeing. He wasn't a dedicated husband taking care of Terry, check it out for yourselfs don't take my word for it.
Okaaaaayyyyyyyyyy.............. it just became apparent what we're dealing with here. :duh: :dork:


I bowl overhand
Beaky said:
How sad, you think Mr. Scum, who has been seeing other women and stated in court when suing the doctors that he needed the money to take care of Terry for as long as she would live, didn't have a conflick of interest. He didn't care about her and said so to some of the other women he was seeing. He wasn't a dedicated husband taking care of Terry, check it out for yourselfs don't take my word for it.
I don't recall commenting on Mr Schiavo, I had a problem with what was said about Hospice and what it represents.


professional daydreamer
Mikeinsmd said:
Okaaaaayyyyyyyyyy.............. it just became apparent what we're dealing with here. :duh: :dork:

You'd think anyone who had read anything regarding this would at least be able to spell Terri.


New Member
elaine said:
You'd think anyone who had read anything regarding this would at least be able to spell Terri.
I caught that after I edited and just decided everyone knew what I was pointing :yay:


The estranged husband has said that upon Terri's death, he plans to marry his live-in fiance, Jodi Centonze, with whom he has two children.


professional daydreamer
Beaky said:
The estranged husband has said that upon Terri's death, he plans to marry his live-in fiance, Jodi Centonze, with whom he has two children.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. To expect anything else is selfish and unreasonable.


Virtually all other eyewitnesses described her as "gaunt," "drawn," "struggling" and "fighting like hell" for life.