Great Mills High?


you just never know when a threat could be real. It is just a shame they do not have a plan and some kind of order to follow such a threat. Or maybe they do and it's not working. When LHS went on lock down no one was allowed in our out of the school. We were all in a field across the street ( the parents )


Well-Known Member
i guess there should be a plan and the students, parents, & staff should feel comfortable that hopefully it will work. look what happened a couple of weeks ago in Ohio, one of the kids got on t.v. saying the kid told him he was going to do something and i guess the kid brushed it off


Well-Known Member
From: Wilson, Danice on behalf of Pax News Update
Sent: Thu 10/18/2007 12:34 PM
Subject: Great Mills High School Status Rumors


There are a variety of rumors circulating this this afternoon regarding a alleged gunman and/or other threats at Great Mills High School. There are several sources of these rumors, including students at the high school. We have confirmed with both the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Dept. and Public Schools that these reports are only rumors and are based loosely on a threat received yesterday and the arrest of the individual responsible for that threat. As a precaution, several Sheriff's deputies were assigned duty at the school this morning, but have now returned to their regular patrols. The St. Mary's County Public Schools and Sheriff's Department ask that parents rest assured that any reports they have heard today are rumors and that there is no need for concern.

so why couldn't we get that automated call if this was known yesterday and hopefully taken care of. i think it wouldn't have gotten so out of control today when a whole lot of students and parents were just hearing about it.


so why couldn't we get that automated call if this was known yesterday and hopefully taken care of. i think it wouldn't have gotten so out of control today when a whole lot of students and parents were just hearing about it.

That is the most sense I have heard so far. That should would have helped in this case.


New Member
I'm sure that the LHS plan is so much different than the GMHS plan.:rolleyes:

My guess.....and this is only speculation.
The plans are the same,
however, the LHS incident was reported by an adult (I believe) and action was swifter.
At GMHS? This sounds like student rumors that must be "investigated" by the staff before they take action.

Like I said, just a guess...


They call me ... Sarcasmo
My guess.....and this is only speculation.
The plans are the same,
however, the LHS incident was reported by an adult (I believe) and action was swifter.
At GMHS? This sounds like student rumors that must be "investigated" by the staff before they take action.

Like I said, just a guess...

They are the same, different circumstances between the two incidents.


According to the cops at the school, a girl made on off-hand comment about shooting everyone in lunch. They said they traced the rumor back to her and she admitted to making the threat to disrupt school. She was suspended this morning, but the rumor went flying.


New Member
They are the same, different circumstances between the two incidents.

..what I mean is perhaps it wasn't taken as serious in nature(due to the source) as it should have been in the beginning and the "plan", whatever it may be, would have worked as it should have.

Whatever the reason I'm sure they'll be some azz kickin going on for the next few days until they get it worked out.


Watch it
i still think, whomever starts the rumors, should get in trouble as well! this isnt funny!

Agreed. Bomb threats, threats of violence...the punishment for starting rumors that interrupt class should be pretty harsh. Maybe it wouldn't happen as often.


Tomorrow is a day off

I vaguely remember way back when I was in HS and we had a day off, there would always be something stupid going on the day before, just so we could get another day off. I hope they throw the book at the girl who started this.
It also seems the parents are the ones freaking out just a little too much.


Good Lord. Note to self. Must read entire thread before freakin' out.

witchiepooh 364

New Member
i wasn't going to comment on this.....but i couldnt help it! OMG!

"It also seems the parents are the ones freaking out just a little too much"

these are their children we are talking about! jeez! of course they are going to freak out with the possibility of a shooter at their school...but then again if they didn't then there would be someone posting that the parents didn't care win situation


I think as parents we do tend to get a little crazy when it comes to our kids. You can only know that if you have kids.


Iam thankful every one at GMHS is safe. We just need to love our kids in the morning before they go to school, you just never know, if anything should happen.