I bet everyone arrives after driving up alone in a V-8 SUV
I bet everyone arrives after driving up alone in a V-8 SUV
Truth About Green (T.A.G.) is a bi-partisan, grassroots group with a common sense approach to environmental issues.
Our mission is to support environmental causes using scientific data, and to impress upon the Legislature a disciplined spending approach when responding to identified environmental concerns.
T.A.G. will only promote issues supported by scientific data, without slant or skew, to justify the expenditure of taxpayer funds.
Do you always believe what you read on the Net?Sounds good to me.![]()
Do you always believe what you read on the Net?
That I hope you read more than what you quoted before forming an opinion.What are you tying to say!?![]()
Also included in our program at the Green Tea Party are:
~International documentarians, Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer who recently completed, Not Evil, Just Wrong, a rebuttal film aimed at uncovering the falsehoods presented in Al Gore's, Inconvenient Truth.
~Charles Lollar, Chairman of New Day Maryland, a group of Republicans, Democrates and Independents who are working together to achieve the goals of less government involvement and fewer taxes in the lives of Marylanders.
Do you always believe what you read on the Net?
The Algore side says the same stuff, right? Science.