Monello got up early, so went went to another Bastrop favorite for breakfast tacos.
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California transplants like to come to Texas and sit around at brunch arguing about who makes the best breakfast tacos (like they know what the hell they're even talking about). Fittie's is right up there.
A Texas breakfast taco is more what the rest of the world calls a rolled burrito. A flour tortilla, lightly grilled, then filled with eggs and whatever else you want, and rolled up. Mine gets brisket and serrano peppers; Monello's gets bacon, onions, and cheese. Fittie's has good BBQ as well, but honestly you can't swing a cat in Texas without hitting good BBQ - it's a given the BBQ will be excellent because the competition is fierce.
I told the owner, "I've been waiting a year to get back here to this breakfast taco," and he replied, "Well you're home now!"
Love it! Like the gift shop owner in Wyoming who said to us, "Welcome to America!" after we explained we lived in The People's Republic of Maryland. (he and FH had gotten into a discussion of guns - I think they might have sold them or had ammo for sale in the store.)