Yesterday we went downtown to the T heads. They are man made jetties that house restaurants, shops & marinas. There are 2 of the and a 3rd L shaped jetty. We saw a few working shrimp boats but didn't see Forrest. We found a parking spot up close which was surprising. Most likely if you see a picture of downtown CC, it was probably taken from the T heads.
The People St T head has 2 restaurants, a gift shop and a marina. We stopped in Harrison's Landing for a drink and an appetizer. The restaurant floats on the water as the other restaurant there. As you can imagine it has a nautical, beachy, tiki vibe. It was nice enough where we could sit outside. For a Saturday afternoon it wasn't super busy. Compared to the rest of the city, this is probably the nicest part of town. After being somewhat put off by the rest of the city, we needed to go somewhere scenic. CC isn't the worst place to visit but it doesn't show well. It seems everything could benefit from a new coat of paint or is in dire need of some landscaping and weed removal. The roads are in pretty bad shape as well. Locally there is a car eating pot hole in a parking lot, so they just put 1 of those orange cones in the hole to warn drivers of its presence. Only about half of the cone is visible since the hole is so deep.
Dinner last night we went back to Little Manila. Pancit and lumpia was on the menu again. The portions are enormous. 1 entree is easily enough for 2 hungry people.
I had to renew my passport this week. I did it at the only post office in town that handles passports. It was about a 15 mile drive from where we are staying. The GPS lady put me on a street that can only be summed up in 1 word. WOW. Most of the homes were in a state of disrepair. There were no curbs on the street and on the side of the road were huge puddles where you would normally park your car. If I happened to live on a street like that, I'd be calling the city public work department to come and pave the road. I don't know why people put up with that. I did a google search and found a single family home on that street that recently sold for $19,000, just to give you and idea of the area. It was a small 1 bedroom, 1 bath place. I know a lot of people that drive cars that they spent more money for what this home sold for. If you ask me, I think they may have overpaid for the home. I was glad it was before 10 am when I went cruising down there. ANyhow I doubt I'll be going to that part of town any time soon. Not unless I want to have someone knocked off and need to find someone to do the dirty deed.
We've had a few cold days while we've been here. The kind of days where you just want to stay in sweat pants and sweat shirt kind of days. 1 of those boring days I did a google search on the notorious street to see how many sex offenders lived in that area. I got a few hits. Then for some reason I plugged in the campground address just for giggles. Sure enough, I got 1 hit. Seems a guy a few street over is on the public safety website. I looked at his crime profile. It doesn't say what crime he was charged with. Many of the other offenders, if you open their profile it will say what crime they are charged with.
Out of concern, I facebook messaged to campground asking if they were aware that there was a sexual offender in the campground. I quickly got a reply back. It wasn't what I was expecting. They wanted to know if I was staying in the campground since they didn't have a Monello as a registered guest. The reservation is under Vrai's name. I replied back what difference does it make. Then they sent me a link to a different public safety site called ICrime. Indeed the person in question didn't come up on that search site. I then replied back including the link to the site I initially used.
I realize that daily we come in close contact to all sorts of criminals. They shop where we shop and walk the streets we walk. But it was somewhat concerning to me that in a campground with children that there is someone living there that either pled guilty to a sex crime or was convicted at trial of the same crime. I know there are different degrees to crimes of this nature but it's still unsettling to some degree. Vrai walks the dog sometimes at night. There aren't a whole lot of people out around here after dark. Anyway the office messages me back saying that if there was someone here on the list that they would be asked to leave. In all our travels so far, I've never felt the need to go and search out the places we've stayed. So that was my drama for the week.
1 of the junky rigs in the campground is gone. This place had all sorts of debris around it's lot. It's right by where we walk the dog. I'd shake my head every time I'd go by there wondering why someone in management doesn't tell them to tidy up. It's obvious they have kids as there were toys and bikes strewn all over. Then the other day they were gone, even though a good bit of the junk was left behind. Vrai opined that maybe they got evicted from the park. Then when we walked by that way we saw a car pull up. Vrai asked it they were there to clean the lot up and if the people had gotten evicted. Turns out it was the previous owner. She was there to get the last of her possessions. She also said the people that moved the trailer left a lot of stuff behind. But I already knew that stuff was there on the ground way before the trailer was moved.
Friday night I went to the clubhouse for Happy Hour. Here's the deal. For $5 you purchase 4 plastic tokens. Each alcohol drink costs 1 token. I asked the bartender if they had a liquor license and if not, how they managed to get around that requirement. Texans are known for their creativity. In Nederland we had to buy a 1 year membership to drink in the bar. By being a private club, the bar wasn't subjected to the same rules as a bar and as such, smoking was allowed inside. The bartender tells me that he isn't selling alcohol. He's selling tokens and gives the alcohol away for free. Wink, wink. OK, works for me.
Corpus Christi lawn mower