Greta Thunberg Plummets Down Garbage Chute ...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
... While Demanding Willy Wonka End Harmful Carbon Emissions Now

U.K.—Greta Thunberg continued her worldwide quest of righteous vengeance on all sworn enemies of Mother Earth this week by starting a protest at Willy Wonka's famous chocolate factory.

Thunberg demanded that the chocolate factory convert to zero-carbon practices right this instant. "We're not waiting 10 or 20 years for carbon-free chocolate. We want it now. I want it. It's mine. Give it to me!" she shouted.

Willy Wonka graciously agreed to give her a tour of the factory. Thunberg protested in every room, complaining about the polluted chocolate river and the gum that tasted like roast beef instead of tofu.
