grossed out at Solomon's McD's - and it wasn't the food

Had lunch today at the Solomon's McDonalds. Had finished eatting and was just sitting there in a booth drinking my soda. At the next booth over, a mom and a toddler daughter sat down while the dad was ordering the food, getting the drinks etc.

As the toddler stood on the seat of the booth the mother changed the kid's diaper. She wasn't too discreet about it since I saw more than I wanted to, that's for sure. I think at the time, I was too stunned to say anything. But now, after the fact, I wish I had. Like hey lady, there's a restroom right over there. Or something more witty. Well I know which booth I am never eatting at!

well the mother I wrote about did have 2 other kids with maybe when you are changing baby diapers for a big chunk of your adult life you don't think anything of it and how others perceive it it. So by the third child, maybe they just think what the heck....I'm so worn out....I'll just change my kid here at the booth.


New Member
personally I would do it in the car, bue she can't really take three kids into the bathroom to change a diaper. At least I wouldn't.


Originally posted by yardsalequeen
So by the third child, maybe they just think what the heck....I'm so worn out....I'll just change my kid here at the booth.

No - I have 3 kids. We're thinking about number 4 - I've changed roughly eight hundred thousand diapers, and I have never, nor will I ever do anything remotely as uncouth and disgusting as change a dirty diaper in plain view of people - much less people who are EATING!

That mother should be monkey-stomped and have her brains mailed back home to her own momma.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I have 3 kids. I have never changed a diaper in a booth. And I have taken all three into the bathroom for a diaper change. There's no excuse for that.
I've taken all 3 into the men's room at Lowes and changed a diaper. Think I shoulda done it in outside lawn and garden and said I was restocking their compost stocks?