Ground Bees


New Member
I discovered (without consequence) a nest of yellow-jackets this weekend.

What is the most effective way of getting rid of these guys?

Before I get flooded with the "dump gasoline in the hole and light it" responses, the nest is about three feet away from the house and right on top of where the underground LP gas line is, so that really isn't too great an option for me.

I tried some hornet spray yesterday and all that did was get them really pi$$ed.

This morning in the mist of the cold, I was able to dump about ten ounces of concentrated Sevin down the hole. Is this going to take care fo the problem, or can I look forward to more PO'd bees when I get home this afternoon? ]

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
From the Internet:
# Nests should be located during the day, so you can see the workers entering and exiting all day. Mark the entry points.

Any treatments should be done at night, because they are all in the nest. They don't see well at night and your chances of being stung are greatly reduced.

Treat the nest with a pyrethrum aerosol such as CB-80 PYRETHRUM

Pyrethrum forms a gas which will fill the cavity, killing the yellow jackets.

# Check the nest the following day, to see if the yellow jackets are indeed dead by lack of activity.
It may be necessary to repeat treatment.

If all the yellow jackets are gone, dust in the opening with Drione Dust . This dust will leave a residue to continue to kill for months and eliminate any hatch outs.

With a little care and caution, yellow jackets can be easily and safely eliminated.

# Another recommendation would be to use a trap with a lure like fruit juice or meat like : YELLOW JACKET TRAP by Advantage, which would be helpful if you can't find the location of the nests.

Place the trap away from where you are going to be, you want to lure them in the trap.
This trap is very helpful during picnics, and cook outs , drawing them away from you.
The traps come with a lure, however meat works best in early in the season and fruit juice works well later in the summer and fall months.


Asperger's Poster Child
Yellow jackets tend to get more aggressive in the fall. I heard that it's because they're desperate to get laid before they die in the winter.


you could take a trip to a halloween store. buy a female Bee costume. and prance around the yard making buzzing noises with a kazoo whilst flapping your arms wildly...trying to lure them away down the street to your neighbors yard while they are bee humping you.


Go Braves!
We've had great success killing a nest by waiting until night fall then dumping an entire can of bee killer in the hole. Next day when the nest collapsed there was a big hole in the ground and no more bee's:dance:


24/7 Single Dad
Kerosene, just pour it in after dark when the bees are sleeping. No need to light it, the fumes kill them.


:yeahthat: My DH had to get rid of some after I stomped on the nest when I was cutting the grass. They stung my butt up so bad, I could hardly sit for a week. He tried spray after spray, he tried gas and finally Kerosene. I don't think he lit it, but they were gone the next day.
Kizzy said:
:yeahthat: My DH had to get rid of some after I stomped on the nest when I was cutting the grass. They stung my butt up so bad, I could hardly sit for a week. He tried spray after spray, he tried gas and finally Kerosene. I don't think he lit it, but they were gone the next day.
allllll....:poorbaby: Look at the bright side... at least you didn't get your butt all stung up just prior to the "Elevator Moonings Caught on Tape" episode and have to explain why the azz on the video was so lumpy...:shrug:


Well-Known Member
aps45819 said:
Kerosene, just pour it in after dark when the bees are sleeping. No need to light it, the fumes kill them.
This has always worked for me. The survivors don't hang around either.