grr im so mad read...

Nanny Pam

theres a hunters pace at AMIT the place where i ride and someone else is gonna ride jubi and they say there running low on horses and i really need a horse cause this is sounds really fun! they have jump and evrything and i really want to do it now i dont know what im gonna do =[

I'd sue! :burning:


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Juli...first off....relax and take a deep breath. Second...PM me, I may be able to help you out.


New Member
bobby has 65 horses, im sure theres someone you can hop on, and if not, im sure theres ppl on here or he knows that you can ride too =)


IF I had a horse that you could ride I would lend one to you. I only have my own guy, and he is a little bit much to handle at times.


New Member
wow i didnt know he had that many but they said they were running low casue pretty much everyone that rides there leases the horse they ride and are gonna ride the horse they normaly ride but i meant have a horse i could use hopefully


Animal Poor!
:smack:shes just a kid...give her a break

Yeah but she rides at AMIT and doesn't know how many horses are there? Then gets upset that the people that lease the horses are going to ride them in this event? She doesn't say if she leases or just schools at AMIT. :shrug:


Farm ?

Out in the middle of nowhere
Gathered around in the barn
Animals all in agreement, they was down on the farm

There was talk of all the boring hours
Standin' around with nothin' to do
It was just another boring evening
With a pail of boring things to chew

There was cows and horses and sheeps and pigs
They was tired of the daily routine
They was plannin' on havin' themselves a bash
Gonna throw a great big wing-ding

So they said 'let's do it, play some rock and roll'
And they got all loose and had a few
And before they knew it, they was out of control
Turned into a regular zoo...
They was tired of the daily routine
Havin' themselves a great big bash
And they was gathering steam

And the pig grabbed a chicken, said
Come on over, let's do-si-do a few
And the chick said 'no, you're covered with mud'
Called him a pig and it was true

And every gol' dang one o'their tails was a waggin'
Under the old horse-shoe
That night the animals fell off the wagon
And a tractor or two

Well they was out in the middle of nowhere
They was rockin' out in the barn
They was tearin' it up in the hayloft
Gettin' down on the farm