Guard commander's memos criticize Bush


Well-Known Member
Bush also has called for an end to the 527's and the criticism of Kerry's service. Kerry attends 527 functions, and at another event when Bush is lampooned in a vulgar manner, he approves it as "the heart and soul of our country".

Of course, hours later after the backlash came, he back-pedalled and his campaign said he "does not approve of some of the remarks that were made last night and he has made that clear".


Oh Oh!

I was just watching that stronghold of conservative reporting, the ABC Evening News, and none other then Peter Jennings said that it looks like the recently surfaced documents, alledged to be written by GWB's commanding officer in the Texas ANG, and that alledge Bush of all types of wrongdoing, are fakes!

ABC News did a special report showing the documents, and pointing out what their document experts pointed out. First, the type on the documents is 100% consistent in size, spacing, alignment, and print quality... something that anyone who has ever seen a document typed on a 70's era (or even later) typewriter is impossible to do. They said that the documents were most likely printed on a laser printer. Also, the documents refer to Bush's guard group with a number and a superscript "TH". On a typewriter they would be written like 156TH or 187TH, on the documents obtained by CBS the squadron numbers have the TH is superscript and in a reduced-size font, something a 70's typewriter couldn't do either.

ABC News' conclusion is that the documents are fakes. CBS is continuing to claim they're real but you can expect a retraction.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I find this whole guard debate...


Ask a National Guardsman or reservist in Iraq what color they bleed while trying to 'avoid' the war.

The Guard is not some country club that doesn't deploy. Guardsmen served and died in Viet Nam. Busd's unit simply didn't get the call.

For chissakes people. Flying a fighter jet for some 1,000 hours or whatever W did is NOT playing golf, deployed or simply training.

FACT: W has repeatedly said that Kerry's service was honorable.

FACT: Kerry will not return the compliment.

FACT: Kerry embelished his record, is being called on it by 100's of people who served WITH him and he is disparaging the President and the National Guard in an effort to cover his ever so less honorable ass.

Notice how EVERY mention of Kerry's record, both military and political, results in counter charges and claims of being disparaged. Never, NEVER does a question get answered about his record, either military or political.

Kerry can absolve himself over night;

Sign the 180 Senator.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...sorry. I went over to Du and got the straight poop.

You see, Karl Rove forged the documents just to make Kerry look bad which means CBS works for the RNC.

And it doesn't matter if they are fake, W is still a liar and kills for fun.



Super Genius
Larry Gude said:
Flying a fighter jet for some 1,000 hours or whatever W did is NOT playing golf, deployed or simply training.
Just for the record, it was somewhere in the 300's. To put that in perspective, my coworker has 1500+ hours, but he's been active duty for six years. I asked him about the number of flight hours. He said that given the timeframe, reserve (not active duty), and the number of years in service, 300+ hours is quite a lot.


Well-Known Member
Just curious. Where did you find the actual number of hours? I can only find "points" and it looks like you can get those for just about anything - attending drills etc.


Super Genius
SamSpade said:
Just curious. Where did you find the actual number of hours? I can only find "points" and it looks like you can get those for just about anything - attending drills etc.
I don't remember where I originally heard it, but here's a link from a quick search that talks about it. It says 336 flight hours.


Enjoying life!
ylexot said:
I don't remember where I originally heard it, but here's a link from a quick search that talks about it. It says 336 flight hours.

Just a thought, but does your friend also have some numbers on the hours required in non-flight training (ground tests, manuals, inspections, etc.) that support that 336? Your friend has 1500+ flight hours in 6 years; I'm guessing when he wasn't in the air, he was still doing aviation work of some kind, not playing golf or hitting the beach, correct?