Guess who's back!!!!


Better than YOU.
fttrsbeerwench said:
Quantum physics tries to explain the behavior of even smaller particles. These particles are things like electrons, protons, and neutrons. Quantum physics even describes the particles which make these particles! They form blurred clouds of probabilities around the nucleus. Protons and neutrons? They're each made of three quarks, each with its own 'flavor' and one of three 'colors'. Lets not forget the gluons, the even smaller particles that hold this mess together when they collect and form glueballs (not a very original name). The reason that quantum physics needs complex math to explain the behaviors and properties of small particles is that the world of these subatomic particles is a very bizarre one, filled with quantum probabilities and organized chaos.

How’d you’d like you see my version of the Big Bang theory? :angel:


New Member
fttrsbeerwench said:
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by fttrsbeerwench
MMMMMM!!! Intelligence is soooooooo sexy!!!! :swoon:"I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics(but Mikey!)." - Richard P. Feynm
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>(but Mikey) :wink:
All us asrians have lil wee wee's.... :howdy:


aka Mrs. Giant
HORUS said:
I love all my stalkers. :lol: Mig just so happen to be my favorite.
:love: :smoochy: :love: Alright, my day has been made. Glad you are back for real. Hope you get to stay in the AO for a while.

Pixie is still here, just not all the time. PM her if ya need to reach her.


Better than YOU.
fttrsbeerwench said:
Ask migtig.. she's seen 'em... :angel:

Or you can ask Mike and rack'em.. They saw me flash a thread earlier.

Very Interesting.


Better than YOU.
migtig said:
:love: :smoochy: :love: Alright, my day has been made. Glad you are back for real. Hope you get to stay in the AO for a while.

Pixie is still here, just not all the time. PM her if ya need to reach her.

I'll be around for a while. I Hate Intel.