Guess who's having another baby?


You're all F'in Mad...


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You're all F'in Mad...

So when's the wedding? :tap:

I dunno... We already had a wedding date next summer. Last summer, I discovered a condition I was born with which could make conception difficult. In December I had that fixed. We never expected it to be this easy but my boys are money swimmers. And apparently Jaie is pretty money too. So now I'm thinking disappear for a long weekend to get married, then come home and have a party.

Does that mean you're a traditionalist in that babies require married parents?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Does that mean you're a traditionalist in that babies require married parents?

Not at all - I just knew you all had marriage plans and was being nosy as to whether you were going to push up the date or let it ride. :lol:

Congrats on the bebe :yay: