Gun Ban


New Member
House Majority Leader Tom Delay said that he will allow the assault rifle ban of 1994 to expire later next year rather than renew it. During the campaign, President Bush mentioned his support for such a renewal but will not actively pursue the issue despite widespread popular support for it...

I am generally anti-gun control and many Democrats would have me hung if they could because of that but this is one case where I feel that gun control is suitable. Assault rifles are like partial birth abortions - they are things that we should not have the elective right too. When someone is in danger, they are not going to reach for an assault rifle, they want a handgun. Is there any reason for a person to have an uzie (sp?) or a clip that can hold more than 10 bullets? Is there any reason? And I tell President Bush that he should honor his promises from the campaign here and push for the ban's renewal.


Football season!
I'm in the same boat. I think the effort for gun control is dumb, but I also see no need to have these weapons. I removed myself from the argument long ago because of the rednecks coming up with all kinds of reasons why they need these guns. Everything from it is easier to hunt with one, to the notion that my wife isn't good with guns, and needs the extra bullets and power of an assualt rifle to defend herself (shooting a gun isn't rocket science. Teach her to shoot. If you have a 16 year old who can't drive, you don't put them in a lincoln navigator to make them feel safer)

Of course, you have those hard core guys who will bring up the law saying they have the right to bare arms, no matter what. Though, these same people don't complain when they can't take their gun on an airplane. Common sense is a part time issue with these people I suppose.


I have a large gun rack in my house, and in it are two bolt-action hunting rifles, one shotgun, and three assault rifles. Once I get my CETME rifle there will be four, and if I can ever talk my wife into letting me spring for an M-1A I'll have five. Out of the three assault rifles that I now have, I have only fired one of them, and that was just to run about 20 rounds through it after I bought it (it's an L1A1/FN-FAL.) I also have a couple of pistols that I bought and have never fired. So I guess it's ok to say that I am more of a collector than a shooter.

Is there a legitimate need for assault weapons? Yes, I like them, I like to collect them, and I like how they look in my gun rack. That's all the legitimare need that I need. As for those of you who don't have an interest in them, let me ask you this... aside from the sticks in Montana, you can't legally go more than 70 MPH on any road, so should all cars capable of exceeding 70 MPH be banned? After all, there's no legal way for anyone but cops, the military, and postal trucks to exceed the speed limit, so there's no legitimite need for cars that can exceed 70 MPH is there? There are several thousand Americans killed by speeding vehicles for each person killed by an assault weapon, so just think of what banning cars that can exceed a speed limit would do to save lives!

Boats? How many people need a boat to live? How many people with speed boats ever water ski? What's the legitimate need for water skis? More people get hurt each year by water skis than have ever been hurt by assault weapons, so we should ban these shouldn't we? Oh yeah... decorator plates! What practical use is a plate that you buy and hang on a wall, and often have toxic finishes that will harm you if you mistakenly use the plate to eat off of. Antique furniture... there's another hazard. How many people are injured or killed each year because of antique furniture failing and collapsing? I guarantee you these items claim more lives each year than assault weapons do! Let's ban those too and save some folks.

Or how about hunting knives? What's the legitimite use for a long-bladed hunting knife? A 4-inch blade is all that's needed to handle 99% of the occasions that require one to use a knife, so why not ban all knife blades over four inches long and say screw the last 1% of users. There are thousands of things in the consumer world that have no legitimate use. If you think it's ok to ban assault weapons because YOU don't see any use for them, you better look forward to seeing someone else pushing to ban something that YOU like.

Lastly, the vaunted assault weapons ban has resulted in more assault weapons being on the market than there has ever been! Because of the way the law was written, gun makers in the US were allowed to import disassembled assault rifles from overseas militaries, that had the receivers removed; manufacture new receivers here in the US; rebuild the rifles; and sell them legally here in the US. I could have never affored an L1A1 or CETME rifle before the ban as they were about $1,500 a copy or outright unavailable. After the ban, I could get an L1A1, with a US-made receiver, for $400 and a CETME for $298. US-made rifles like the AR-15 were altered by removing a flash supressor (and replacing it with a muzzle break that does essentially the same thing... it just has a different name) and grinding off the bayonet lug (which was worthless to begin with) and voila! They're legal, and cost about the same as an AR-15 did before the ban. I paid about $520 for my AR-15A2 rifle, which is a far better rifle than the first AR-15 that I bought in 1983 for $475. So with the ban in effect, I got a better rifle for $45 more, and that's not factoring in inflation since 1983.

So, is the ban effective? No. Is it reasonable to start banning things because some people don't feel there's a legitimate need? I don't think so.
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Football season!
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Yes, I like them, I like to collect them, and I like how they look in my gun rack. That's all the legitimare need that I need.

I think a nuclear bomb would look nice in a casing in my living room, but don't think the US would like it too much.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I think a nuclear bomb would look nice in a casing in my living room, but don't think the US would like it too much.

That's not a firearm... It's an "explosive device" or "dangerous device", not sure which is the correct classification.

Geez... Democrats. :rolleyes:


Personally, I would like to see a small nuclear bomb in your living room as well. :biggrin: In fact, put one in the living room of every Democrat. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Kyle's right... explosive devices are a whole different ballgame from firearms.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Personally, I would like to see a small nuclear bomb in your living room as well. :biggrin: In fact, put one in the living room of every Democrat. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Neighborhood Nuclear Superiority!

Thanks, Ronco! :biggrin:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Some never learn.

So what is your definition of a firearm that is protected under the 2nd ammendment?
fire·arm n.

A weapon capable of firing a projectile and using an explosive charge as a propellant.


Football season!
Originally posted by Kyle
fire·arm n.

A weapon capable of firing a projectile and using an explosive charge as a propellant.

That is where the problem lies. You can create just about anything and claim it under the firearm definition. Anything from grenade launchers, to shoulder fired missiles, to a propellant containing nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons.

There is no reason for your average joe to have any of those, including assualt rifles. But like I said, I've seen every excuse in the book that people use to justify them. if you're that bad of a shot where you need the extra security of an assualt rifle, I'll flip the bill for you to take shooting lessons.


First off let me say that I am a gun owner. I don't own any assualt weapons, but if I had a need or desire for them I would. If we want to own an AR-15 or an M-16, I believe you should have the right to legally purchase and keep the weapon. Until that gun is used for an illegal purpose it should be your right to own it. It should be obvious to any intelligent person that the damn gun does no harm until it's in the possession of someone that is willing to kill with it. This is where we have to have the stricter laws. Not gun control laws, but laws punishing these idiots that commit the crimes with any type of gun. Make it a mandatory death sentence for these criminals. Save the taxpayers some money. Do I think that a person should be given the death penalty for attempted armed robbery? Maybe, maybe not, but don't let the guy off with a slap on the wrist either and that includes persons under the age of 18.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
if you're that bad of a shot where you need the extra security of an assualt rifle, I'll flip the bill for you to take shooting lessons.
You miss the point again... private law abiding citizens use them for fun and recreation; never committing a crime. But because you (in general) don't like them they should be banned.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by SmallTown
There is no reason for your average joe to have any of those, including assualt rifles. But like I said, I've seen every excuse in the book that people use to justify them. if you're that bad of a shot where you need the extra security of an assualt rifle, I'll flip the bill for you to take shooting lessons.

ST, there's no need for the average Joe to have an SUV, sports car, etc... Just because someone owns an "assault rifle" doesn't mean they're going to use it to mow down a dozen people. :rolleyes: Same as with a sports car, just because you own one, and it has the capability of going over 100 MPH doesn't mean whoever owns one is going to drive it that fast.

I've never understood why everyone wets their pants (especially men) when it comes to "assault rifles" :rolleyes: Everyone is soooo afraid of firearms due to liberal hype it's not even funny.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
That is where the problem lies. You can create just about anything and claim it under the firearm definition. Anything from grenade launchers, to shoulder fired missiles, to a propellant containing nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons....

What part of "explosive device" don't you understand? :rolleyes:


Football season!
Originally posted by Vince
If we want to own an AR-15 or an M-16, I believe you should have the right to legally purchase and keep the weapon. Until that gun is used for an illegal purpose it should be your right to own it. It should be obvious to any intelligent person that the damn gun does no harm until it's in the possession of someone that is willing to kill with it.

To answer this question as well as sharon's, these assault weapons are NOT designed for recreation. They are designed for one purpose- To kill.

But this same logic should go for MANPADS. One could say they only use it for recreation, but in reality they have one purpose.

Again, I am quite comfortable with handguns, shot guns, etc. I feel I can manage to do anything I need to with these.
Society wasn't at the brink of crumbling before assualt rifles came on the market. People managed to hunt, have fun, and defend themselves just fine.


Football season!
Originally posted by Kyle
What part of "explosive device" don't you understand? :rolleyes:

But with your definition you used, any number of weapons can be classified as a firearm in order for it to be "legal".
As always, it is what people feel comfortable with, they put there limits where they want, some are higher than others.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
To answer this question as well as sharon's, these assault weapons are NOT designed for recreation. They are designed for one purpose- To kill.
So what about handguns? ...let's ban them too. :rolleyes:


Let us not forget that the original intent of the second amendment was not only personal self defense, but to give the populace defense from bad oppressive government. Taken in context, the "need" of a given type of firearm certainly changes.

Another thought; why is it always that the "pro-gun" people end up trying to defend their position (as I just did :smile: ) ? Why don't we just let the "anti's" justify their side in light of the 2nd amendment. Let's hear what we accomplish by all this "ban" stuff. How are we better off and what proof is there that we are ? I offer the current situations in England and Washington DC as examples of bans not working.

"Gun control is hitting what you aim at."