Gun safety classes


24/7 Single Dad
Walmart sells safety glasses.
Lowes sells safety glasses
The SnapOn tool guy has safety glasses

Have you actually looked anywhere for safety glasses?


New Member
A good gun safety class would offer a relaxed atmosphere and an opportunity to live fire different caliber of weapons and how they react to your grip. If you can go and observe , you can learn a lot. Are the range safety officers observant, weapons always pointed downrange, safety glasses,hearing protections, all weapons cleared and locked open BEFORE shooters go down range to check their targets? If horseplay is allowed, walk away. It is not a joking matter to handle a gun in a frivolous fashion(like playing quick-drawetc). An educated man brought his young son to a range east(Mass.) of here and handed him a UZI with a full magazine. It was a sponsored machine gun shoot so the uZI was full automatic.
This all in front of a certified instructor. The boy pulled the trigger and and held it not being instructed otherwise. The barrel muzzel tracked up and the last bullet went into the boys head in front of his Father. That is NOT how to learn muzzle safety.
Here is the sad story.Yes it killed the 8yr old.
Boy, 8, accidentally kills self at gun show - US news - Life | NBC News
Proper instruction would start with one round. My question-WHERE WAS the qualified Range Safety Officer?? I know of an incident where a security officer was at a live fire shoot. The instructor, who I knew said when he popped a target she fired ,threw the gun down immediately and screamed."the gun blew up, the gun blew up". After an investigation, the gun was fine, he found out she was issued a sidearm and had NEVER FIRED IT. With the round going off, she thought the gun exploded in her hand. That is why you give new shooters only one round until you ascertain their abilities to handle a weapon.


Well-Known Member
Sanner's does not have classes that I am aware of.

I will bring this up at one of the meetings, probably too late to help you though.