Hair of the dog...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I got hypo'd pretty good Saturday, no windshield, and dehydrated, rode too long before breaks and added beer to the mix. 250 miles and a 30 minute hot shower and cold chills for 18 hours and just feeling like I was hit by a truck that didn't like me or my momma, I have found a good feeling, finally, this very evening; more beer.

To honor that;

More cowbell. :lol:

That, and an all time great album cover.



A Salute to all on Watch
...I got hypo'd pretty good Saturday, no windshield, and dehydrated, rode too long before breaks and added beer to the mix. 250 miles and a 30 minute hot shower and cold chills for 18 hours and just feeling like I was hit by a truck that didn't like me or my momma, I have found a good feeling, finally, this very evening; more beer.

To honor that;

More cowbell. :lol:

That, and an all time great album cover.


Been a long time since I've heard that; anybody remember Fooz City?


...I got hypo'd pretty good Saturday, no windshield, and dehydrated, rode too long before breaks and added beer to the mix. 250 miles and a 30 minute hot shower and cold chills for 18 hours and just feeling like I was hit by a truck that didn't like me or my momma, I have found a good feeling, finally, this very evening; more beer.

To honor that;

Larry, this is for you. :smack: Riding with beer is not a good mix. One, OK. More than that and we'll be scraping you up off the road. If the beer was after the ride...:yay: Sick? Yeah, did that for that last two weekends. Still coughing.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Larry, this is for you. :smack: Riding with beer is not a good mix. One, OK. More than that and we'll be scraping you up off the road. If the beer was after the ride...:yay: Sick? Yeah, did that for that last two weekends. Still coughing.

My bad, Vince. Allow me to clarify; I NEVER drink and ride! Spills all over the place.

The beer was in between rides.
